Subscribing to the Monitoring Stream

To receive monitoring data messages, application programs can subscribe to the built-in monitoring endpoint. An application can use a content matcher to narrow the message stream.


  1. Optional. Compose a content matcher.
    • To receive the entire stream, omit any content matcher.
    • To receive a sub-stream, construct an appropriate content matcher.
      For example, an application could subscribe to all monitoring messages, or to a sub-stream such as the following:
      • Only event messages.
      • Only client metric messages with a specific client label.
      • Only messages that report a specific client status.
      • Only messages about a specific host computer.

      See Fields of Monitoring Data Messages.

  2. Create a subscriber object.
    1. Specify the API constant that denotes the monitoring endpoint.
    2. Optional. Specify the content matcher from step 1.
  3. Ensure that the application program includes the other tasks required in any subscribing program.
    For example, the program must define appropriate callbacks, create an event queue, add the subscriber to the event queue, and start a dispatch loop.
    See "Structuring Programs" in TIBCO FTL Development.