POST clients/ID and POST clients

The web method POST clients/ID sends a command that affects a specific client. The broader form, POST clients, sends a command to a collection of clients.

Targeting Clients

  • To target a specific client, supply the client ID as the ID in the URI.
  • To target a collection of clients, omit the ID from the URI.
  • To target a narrower collection of clients, omit the ID from the URI, and supply filtering arguments.
    This example filters the clients to those that run on a specific host computer, and disables only those clients:
    POST clients?host=reed {"cmd":"disable"}

    For details, see Filters for Client Status Methods.

Input Data

Supply the command in JSON format, for example:


Command Description
{"cmd":"setloglevel", "args":[{"level": "element:level"}]} Set the client's log level.

For details, see "Tuning the Log Level" in TIBCO FTL Development.

{"cmd":"sendlogs", "args":[{"mode": "mode"}]} Instruct the client to enable or disable sending its logs to the realm server. The initial mode for all clients is off.
  • on The client sends its log messages to the realm server.
  • off The client does not send its log messages to the realm server. (The client still outputs log messages to its log output target.)

For more information, see "Central Logging" in TIBCO FTL Monitoring.

{"cmd":"setmonmode", "args":[{"mode": "mode"}]} Set the client's monitoring mode.
  • dynamic_monitor_info_on The client gathers metrics related to message content matching, and generates monitoring data submessages with types 90009 and 90010. For more information, see "Catalog of Application Metrics" in TIBCO FTL Monitoring.
  • dynamic_monitor_info_off The client does not gather metrics related to content matching, and does not generate monitoring data submessages with types 90009 and 90010.
{"cmd":"disable"} Disable the client.

For background information, see Conditions for Disabling Clients.

{"cmd":"purge"} Purge clients that have timed out.

For background information, see Client Status.

Example Requests

curl -X POST http://host:port/api/v1/clients/ID -d json_cmd