Administrative Requirements
Administrators must coordinate with application developers to properly configure and deploy applications.
Administrative requirements for endpoint implementation depend on the application programs. Each program instantiates a set of endpoints, embodying them through API objects and method calls, which in turn use a subset of the endpoints’ abilities. Program developers and administrators must coordinate to ensure correct endpoint implementation:
- Developers must specify the
endpoints and
communication abilities that their applications use (and inform administrators). In the configuration model, these are the
(To facilitate coordination, developers complete the TIBCO FTL Endpoint Coordination Form.)
- Administrators must configure transports and connectors to cover that set of endpoint requirements. In the configuration model, these are the transport abilities.
- Administrators may configure several application instance definitions, each implementing the endpoints in a different way. In the configuration model, these are the solutions.
It is an administrative error to leave an ability requirement unsatisfied. When the application program attempts to use that ability, the API call fails. For example, if no transport carries an endpoint’s one-to-many receive ability, the subscriber creation call fails. If no transport carries an endpoint’s one-to-one send ability, the publisher’s send to inbox call fails.
See Also: Configuration Model