Application Name

The application name argument of the realm connect call selects the application definition, which contains administrative information that the application needs at run time, such as the binding of endpoints to transports, and message formats.

Null Application Name

To support coding experiments and rapid protoyping, the realm connect call accepts a null application name. A null argument selects the default application definition.

The default application definition supports any program that satisfies these conditions:
  • Every call that creates a publisher or a subscriber specifies a null endpoint name.
  • The program uses dynamic formats or built-in formats, but not managed formats.

To start a realm server that contains the default application definition (and no other application definitions), specify an empty data directory in the realm server executable command line, using the -⁠-⁠data parameter. (See "Realm Server Executable Reference" in TIBCO FTL Administration.)

Note: Do not use null application names when developing programs for production environments, nor in any situation that requires control over runtime details.
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