Subscribers List

To see more details about the subscribers of a durable, click the number in the Clients column of the durable's row in the persistence stores status table. For shared durables and last-value durables the GUI shows a subscribers list.


Columns appear only as relevant to the durable's type.
GUI Item Description
Client ID Client ID of the subscriber (assigned by the realm server).
Application Name / Instance Names of the application and application instance, as configured in the applications grid of the realm server GUI.
Subscriber ID Subscriber ID (assigned by the persistence server).
Last ACKed Approximate elapsed time since the subscriber acknowledged a message.
Last Dispatched Approximate elapsed time since the client dispatched a message for the subscriber (from an event queue).
Last Send Approximate elapsed time since the persistence server sent a batch of messages to the subscriber.
Number unACKed Number of messages sent to this client subscriber that remain unacknowledged.
Last Removed Approximate elapsed time since a map API client removed the value of a last-value durable.
Related reference