Creating or Modifying a Definition

You can create new definitions within the realm, or modify existing definitions, using the realm server web API. The procedures for creating or modifying definitions are very similar, although their web requests use slightly different URIs.

This task occurs within the super-task Configuring the Realm Server Using the Web API.


You have already created and locked a deployment workspace for editing.


  1. Compose the JSON object representing the new definition.
  2. Compose and send the web request.
    • To create a new definition, use the POST method:
      POST object_type defn_json
    • To update an existing definition, use the PUT method:
      PUT object_type/defn_name defn_json
  3. Verify the response.
    1. Ensure that the request succeeds, by checking the HTTP response code.
    2. Check for realm server validation warnings.