Appendix C. Automated Operations
Many organizations have to automate file transfer processes. In some cases the data that is transferred must be further processed at the remote side.
To automate file transfer processes, certain z/OS messages are required to be standardized. To interface with these automation packages, the platform server has standardized several messages that are issued for every transaction.
The following four messages are common to all transactions. The information denoted by the brackets ({ }) are replaceable parameters.
Start of Transfer
The following message is issued at the start of every transfer.
PGTF3100 {Send/Receive} Activity {Transaction_Number} Started to Remote Node {Remote_Node}Where:
- SEND/RECEIVE: the direction of the data set on the host system. For example, if you are sending a file from a Windows system to the host, then the direction that must be specified is receive.
- Transaction_Number: the number that is assigned to the transfer.
- Remote_Node: the destination to which you are sending or from which you are receiving.
Completion of Transfer
The message PGTF3108I is issued at the completion of all file transfer activity. This message can be used for automated processing or scheduling.
Successful Completion
PGTF3108I Transfer {Activity#} successfully transferred {Record_Count} records with node:
{Remote_Node}{Byte_Count}(Bytes} or {Remote_Node}{Member_Count} {Members}
- Activity#: the number that is assigned to the transfer.
- Record_Count: the number of records sent or received by the transaction.
- Remote_Node: the destination to which you are sending or from which you are receiving. This can be displayed as an LU name, IP name, or IP address.
- Byte_Count: the number of bytes transferred (uncompressed) for a sequential file.
- Member_Count: the number of members processed for PDS/Library transfers.
PGTF3108I {Activity#} RC={Return_Code} {Remote_Node} {Local_DSN} {Process} Record Count={Record_Count} {S/R} {Userdata}
- Activity#: the number that is assigned to the transfer.
- Return_Code: the number that is returned at the completion of a file transfer. A successful transfer has a return code of all zeroes. An unsuccessful file transfer issues a return code that helps the user determine the specific nature of the problem.
- Remote_Node: the destination to which you are sending or from which you are receiving. This can be displayed as an LU name, IP name, or IP address.
- Local_DSN: the name of the local data set for the transaction. The data set name must be a valid z/OS data set and cannot exceed 54 characters in length. If the data set provided is invalid, the interface prompts the user for a valid name.
- Process: an eight character field intended to provide a description of the transaction being processed.
- Record_Count: the number of records sent or received by the transaction.
- S/R: the direction of the data set on the host system. For example, if you are sending a file from the Windows system to the host, then the direction that must be specified is receive.
- Userdata: the data entered by the user on the process DESCRIPTION parameter.
Unsuccessful Completion
PGTF3109I Activity {Activity#} unsuccessful with Node {Remote_Node} Return Code={Return_Code} error type ERROR
- Activity#: the number that is assigned to the transfer.
- Remote_Node: the destination to which you are sending or from which you are receiving.
- Return_Code: the number that is returned at the completion of a file transfer. A successful transfer has a return code of all zeroes. An unsuccessful file transfer issues a return code that helps the user determine the specific nature of the problem.
- Error_Type: the type of error that caused the transfer to fail.
PGTF3108I {Activity#} RC={Return_Code} {Remote_Node} {Local_DSN} {Process} Record Count={Record_Count} {S/R} {Userdata}
- Activity#: the number that is assigned to the transfer.
- Return_Code: the number that is returned at the completion of a file transfer. A successful transfer has a return code of all zeroes. An unsuccessful file transfer issues a return code that helps the user determine the specific nature of the problem.
- Remote_Node: the destination to which you are sending or from which you are receiving.
- Local_DSN: the name of the local data set for the transaction. The data set name must be a valid z/OS data set and cannot exceed 54 characters in length. If the data set provided is invalid, the interface prompts the user for a valid name.
- Process: an eight character field intended to provide a description of the transaction being processed.
- Record_Count: the number of records sent or received by the transaction.
- S/R: the direction of the data set on the host system. For example, if you are sending a file from the Windows system to the host, then the direction that must be specified is receive.
- Userdata: the data entered by the user on the process DESCRIPTION parameter.