The PPASCRPT program runs as a PPA program in the platform server started task. It can accept two parameters from the PPA and schedule a script to be executed by the started task.

The following table lists the two parameters of the PPASCRPT program:

Parameter Description
Script Name Required. This parameter defines the fully qualified data set name of a script that must be submitted.
Node Name Optional. This parameter defines the name of the node to be associated with the script to be executed. If defined, the node name must be the first parameter entered. This parameter can be entered by using the following syntax: N: | N= | NODE: | NODE=.
Note: This parameter is not case sensitive. The node name is always translated to uppercase.

The following examples are PPA statements that use the PPASCRPT program:

PPA=”S,R,CALLJCL,PPASCRPT n:NYNODE your.script.library(script1)”
PPA=”S,R,CALLJCL,PPASCRPT node=lanode your.script.library(script2),
PPA=”S,R,CALLJCL,PPASCRPT your.script.library(script3),INDIRECT=YES,
Note: You can override parameters in your indirect file or add a new parameter if needed to the indirect file by placing parameters with values after the INDIRECT parameter.