
Default None
Allowable Values Any valid DSN of 1 - 54 characters.
Minimum 1
Maximum 255
Alternate Specification LF, LFILE, LDSN, LOCAL_FILE

This parameter defines the data set name of the local file. It can be any valid data set name of 1 - 54 characters. When queuing a request to send a file to a remote open system, the data set must exist at the time the request is queued and the person queuing the transfer must have the authority to access the file. The DSN parameter must be entered on only one line and cannot be continued onto another record.

Note: When specifying Generation Data Groups (GDG) with the DSN= parameter, you can specify a generation data set by using either its true name (that is, with the G0000V00 qualifier) or the relative generation number. The alias name will be turned into the true name at the time the file transfer is scheduled. For example, if you specify the generation number -1, the data set transferred will be the one that is -1 at queuing time, not necessarily at transmission time. This is to ensure that the proper generation is sent.