SUBJCL (Submit JCL) Interface
In many cases, sending a file to or receiving data from a partner is only the first step in the overall picture. The data must be processed by the application.
For a job initiated locally, it is simple to perform some processing after a file transfer is completed. However, when a remote system sends a file, it can be difficult to process the data. Many systems use user exits or job schedulers to process the received data. With the platform server SUBJCL facility, you can customize jobs to be submitted to the JES internal reader when a file transfer is completed.
For a successful file transfer request, when a file is received, the platform server can submit a job to process the data. When a file is sent to a remote system, the platform server can submit a job to archive or delete the data set.
For a unsuccessful file transfer request, you might want to notify a user or a system that a request failed, update an error log, or notify an operator that a transfer failed. You can perform anything as you want in the job that is submitted.