REXX Parameter Syntax Rules

You must follow the syntax rules when using the REXX parameters.

The syntax rules of the REXX parameters are as follows:
  • The CONFIG and CFG parameters define the configuration files for all platform server REXX commands except the FUSWCLR command which does not require a configuration.
  • The platform server REXX parameters are typically separated by a space or comma. If any parameter includes an imbedded space, all parameters must be separated by commas.
    For example:
    FUSSEND IPADDR= LF=local .file RF=remote.file wait
  • Parameters can be entered in uppercase or lowercase. The platform server performs translation when necessary.
  • If the REMOTE_USER or RUSER parameter is not defined, the platform server sets the remote user ID to *PROFILE by default. For more information of remote user profiles, see TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/OS Installation and Operation Guide.
  • To get help information, enter the platform server REXX command followed by a space and a question mark (?). For example, FUSINQ ?. For this example, a help screen is displayed with an overview of the exec and the parameters that are accepted by the exec.
  • The platform server REXX execs that queue a request accept any parameter defined to the platform server Batch interface. For more detailed information of the parameters which are accepted by the platform server execs that queue a transfer, see Batch Interface.
  • Scripts are run single-threaded by default. You can execute multiple transfers simultaneously by setting the CONTENTION_WINNERS parameter to a value higher than 1 and then setting the NODE parameter in the script. The NODE parameter is ignored other than to limit the number of concurrent requests for a script. For example: