REXX Execs
TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS REXX execs can be divided into four subsets.
The four subsets of REXX execs are as follows:
Queue a platform server request to the address space. This is also known as scheduling a request within the address space. The supported execs are as follows:
- FUSQREXX: queues a REXX exec to be executed.
- FUSQSUB: queues a local job submission to be executed.
- FUSRECV: queues a receive request.
- FUSRECVT: queues a receive request for a text file.
- FUSSCMD: queues a send request for commands.
- FUSSCRPT: schedules a script to run in the platform server started task.
- FUSSEND: queues a send request.
- FUSSENDT: queues a send request for a text file.
- FUSSMEM: queues transfers to send multiple members to a remote node.
- FUSSMFIL: queues transfers to send multiple files to a remote node.
- FUSWAIT: waits on requests queued with the MWAIT operand.
- FUSWCLR: clears out the wait queue.
- Get summary information on the platform server requests based on a variety of selection criteria:
- FUSINQ: inquires on transfers based on selection criteria.
- Perform operator control or detailed inquiry based on the platform server transaction number:
- Platform Server message and node inquiry:
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