Examples of Overriding SYSIN Paramters

You can override any SYSIN parameters through PARM definitions.

Note: z/OS platform has a 100-byte limitation on the amount of data that can be entered in the PARM override. This is not a TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS restriction.

The following examples shows how to override the SYSIN parameters through PARM definitions.

Example 1: override the Fusion1 server to specify an activity type of SEND and a new remote file name

	//STEP0001 EXEC PGM=OSIUB000,                          
	//         PARM=('SERVER=FUSION1,SEND,',               

Example 2: override the FUSIONA server through SNA to specify different local and remote file names and a different node name

	//STEP0001 EXEC PGM=OSIUB000,                       
	//         'DSN=LOCAL.OS390.FILE,',                 

Example 3: override the server through TCP to specify a different IP address and IP port for a transfer

	//STEP0001 EXEC PGM=OSIUB000,                                
	//         'IPADDR=,IPPORT=47000')

Example 4: override information on a transfer request when the initiator has no access or authorization to the data set pointed to by the SYSIN DD statement.

You must set a process called FUSBATCH in a PROCLIB that includes the PARM override call PARMDATA:


The following example shows the PARM filed definition:


Note: You must include the SYSIN DD statement to specify the PROCESS statement and any other statement that is not defined in the PARM override.