The AUDIT Data Set

The AUDIT data set, pointed to by the AUDIT DD card in the FUSION started task, contains information about transfers that are completed.

Note: If you are upgrading from version 7.0 and want to continue using your existing AUDIT data set, then you can do so without any updates and can skip this section.

If you want to start with a new AUDIT data set or you are running a version older than 6.2, you must run the DEFAUDIT job in the platform server JCL data set to create a new AUDIT data set. For more information, see Updating the VSAM Data Sets.

If you are upgrading from platform server version 6.2, 6.4, 6.5 or 6.5.1 and want to continue to use your existing AUDIT file, you must run the CPYAUDIT job. For more information, see Running the CPYAUDIT Job.