By using this function, you can display a message on the Operator Console and wait for a reply. The message to be displayed must be imbedded in double quotation marks. Variable substitution is performed for the message in double quotation marks.

The variable %WTORLENGTH defines the maximum number of bytes that the console operator can enter in response to the WTOR command. When the WTOR function is completed, the following fields are updated:

  • %WTORDATA: contains the data entered by the console operator.
  • %WTORLENGTH: contains the length of data entered by the console operator.
The format of this function is WTOR "message_to _be_display". For example, use the following commands to display a message and wait for a one-byte response:
WTOR “MESSAGE1 SEND to node %NODE failed: Reply Y to continue”
SAY Reply Length=%WTORLENGTH: Reply Data=%WTORDATA