Appendix N. Assembler API

FUSCFAPI is an API program with which you can execute the platform server platform transfers, and get the status of a file transfer. This API is designed to be called from an Assembler program, although it can be called by any programming language that can create the necessary control blocks and provide the z/OS standard linkage.

With this API, you can communicate with the platform server z/OS started task through one of following four methods. You can select a method by the settings in APIDSECT (see for more details).

  • Cross memory through a PC call
  • SNA communication
  • TCP communication through an IP address
  • TCP communication through an IP name

This API supports the following three functions:

  • Execute Transfer: with this function, you can execute a file transfer by using the same parameter input as that is used by the platform server Batch interface. Transfers can be queued for execution (WAIT=NO) or executed immediately (WAIT=YES). When a transfer is queued for execution, control is returned to the API immediately after the request is queued. The return code defines whether the request is queued, and the caller is not notified when the transfer is completed. When a transfer is executed immediately, control is returned to the API only after the transfer is completed successfully or the transfer exhausts all of its retries. The return code defines the actual status of the file transfer.
  • Transfer Status: this function passes a transfer ID to the platform server, and the platform server returns the status of that transfer.
  • Ping: with this function, you can check the status of the platform server started task.