Installing TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/OS

You can install TIBCO Managed File Transfer (MFT) Platform Server for z/OS directly from a workstation by using the TSO/E Transmit and Receive commands.


  1. Download the package from the TIBCO download site

    You are prompted for a user name and password for downloading. If you do not receive a user name and password, contact TIBCO Technical Support.

  2. Unzip the package to a local directory.
    The unzipped package contains the following two files:
    • MFTvrm.XMT: this file contains the necessary information to create all installation data sets.
    • readme.TXT: this file contains information regarding the installation process. Review this file before you begin the installation process.
  3. Upload the MFTvrm.XMT file.
    You can upload the XMT file by issuing the UPLOAD or SEND command that your emulator provides.
    Note: Do not specify any options on the upload, for example, CRLF or ASCII. The destination data set must be named in High_Level_Qualifier.PDS.XMT format.
    When uploading the XMT file to z/OS, you do not have to pre-allocate the z/OS data set. If you must pre-allocate the data set, use the following attributes:
    Attribute Value
    Organization PS
    Record format FB
    Record length 80
    Block size 6160
    Space unit TRKS
    Directory blocks 0
    Primary quantity 150
    Secondary quantity 10
  4. Receive the XMT file.
    1. Enter the following command at TSO option 6 or at the ready prompt:
      RECEIVE INDS(Name_of_uploaded_file)
      For example: RECEIVE INDS(FUSION.MFT720.XMT)
    2. Enter the following parameters when you are prompted:
      DSN(output_dataset_name) VOLUME(destination_volume_name)
      For example: DSN(MFT720.INSTALL.PDS) VOLUME(ABC123)
      Note: The VOLUME parameter is optional. You can use it if you want to control the data set allocation.
  5. Read and accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).
    You must run the following REXX exec to read and accept the EULA:
  6. Execute the @RECEIVE member in the PDS data set .
    Note: If you are performing an upgrade,
    • The LOADLIB library contains sample user exit load modules. If you want to replace the existing data sets, you have to back up any existing customized user exit load modules before running this job, and copy back the customized user exit load modules to the LOADLIB after running this job.
    • The SAMPLIB contains the GLOBAL member. Ensure not to overwrite your existing GLOBAL member.
    1. Edit the @RECEIVE member to meet your installation requirements.
    2. Submit the @RECEIVE job to receive seven XMT files and create PDS files.

      For example: MFTvrm.INSTALL.PDS(@RECEIVE)

      The following table lists the created PDS files:

      PDS File Description

      ISPF REXX execs


      Sample JCL


      The load library


      ISPF messages


      Message inquiries


      ISPF panels


      The sample library