FUSCFG Configuration Parameters

To configure the FUSCFG interface, you have to specify the required parameters.

See the following tables for the required parameters.

Common Configuration Parameter. The CONFIG parameter is required for all FUSCFG configurations.
Parameter Description
CONFIG Defines the name of the platform server configuration entry.

This parameter is required. The valid values can be up to 24 characters. This parameter must match the CONFIG= or CFG= parameter which can be included on the various interfaces.

The special configuration name called DEFAULT must be defined, which is used when no CONFIG or CFG parameter is entered on the platform server command. This is only supported for REXX and ISPF. When the CONFIG option is used on the batch and script interfaces, no default value is available.

Cross Memory Configuration Parameters. Three parameters are required to configure the platform server clients for cross memory communications to the platform server started task.
Parameter Description
STCNAME Defines the name of the platform server started task.

The valid values can be up to 8 characters. The platform server started task must be running on the same server as the client.

AUDPATH1 Defines the name of the platform server AUDPATH1 VSAM file.

This file is created in Defining the Audit VSAM Data Set. This name is also defined in the platform server started task JCL on the AUDPATH1 DD statement.

If this parameter is not defined, the platform server does not attempt to allocate AUDPATH1, and uses an existing allocation if there is one.

AUDPATH2 Defines the name of the platform server AUDPATH2 VSAM file.

This file is created in Defining the Audit VSAM Data Set. This name is also defined in the platform server started task JCL on the AUDPATH2 DD statement.

If this parameter is not defined, the platform server does not attempt to allocate AUDPATH2, and uses an existing allocation if there is one.

SNA Configuration Parameters. Two parameters are required to configure the platform server clients for SNA communications to the platform server started task. Only one parameter is optional.
Note: By using this method of communicating with the platform server started task, the client can run on any computer that is connected to the platform server mainframe by SNA. This can be the same mainframe, or a mainframe located at another location.
Parameter Description
LUNAME Defines the name by which the platform server started task is known within an SNA network.

This is a required parameter. This name is typically the APPLID that is defined to VTAM for the platform server started task. This information is defined in Defining VTAM Resources for Systems Using SNA.

ACB Defines the name of the ACB that the platform server client uses to communicate with the started task.
This is a required parameter. This name is typically 6 characters or less, and has a suffix of a two digit number from 00 to 99. Therefore, multiple clients can communicate with the platform server started task using the same ACB prefix. This information is defined in Defining VTAM Resources for Systems Using SNA.
Note: The name defined by the ACB parameter must not include the two digit suffix.
MODENAME Defines the SNA mode name that is used when setting up SNA sessions.

This is an optional parameter. Typically, the default values are defined when creating the platform server started task, and platform server ACB definitions are adequate.

TCP Configuration Parameters. Two parameters are required to configure the platform server clients for TCP communications to the platform server started task. Only one parameter is optional .
Note: By using this method of communicating with the platform server started task, the client can run on any computer that is connected to the platform server mainframe through a TCP network. This can be the same mainframe, or a mainframe located at another location.
Parameter Description
IPADDR Defines the IP address of the mainframe in dotted decimal format.

This is a required parameter. This is typically the IP address of TCP running on the z/OS LPAR that the platform server started task is running on.

The IPNAME parameter can be used in place of this parameter.

IPNAME Defines the IP name of the mainframe.

This is a required parameter. This name must be defined in a host configuration file, or by a DNS server. This is typically the IP name of TCP running on the z/OS LPAR that the platform server started task is running on.

The IPADDR parameter can be used in place of this parameter.

TCPIPJOBNAME Defines the name of the TCP/IP started task that is running on the same mainframe as the platform server REXX exec, ISPF user, or batch job.

This is a required parameter. To communicate with TCP/IP, the client has to know the TCP/IP job name. Typically, the value is TCP/IP.

IPPORT Defines the IPPORT on which the platform server started task is listening for connection requests.

This is an optional parameter. The default value is 46464. This value must match the number defined on the platform server started task GLOBAL TCPIPPORT parameter.