GLOBAL Startup Parameters

The platform server uses some local parameters to initialize and perform functions.

You must specify these parameters in a data set, with a ddname of GLOBAL member. You can find a sample GLOBAL member in the platform server SAMPLIB library.

See the following table for the parameters that are included in the GLOBAL member.
Parameter Description
ACCEPT _VERIFIED_USER Defines whether users verified on other z/OS platforms can be used on this system without a password.

When a user submits a file transfer request on a z/OS system, by default the local user ID is sent to the remote system.

The valid values are YES or NO. The default value is NO.

ALLOW_TRANSFER_REQUESTS Defines whether transfer schedule requests initiated through TCP or SNA are accepted.

This parameter applies to these platform server interfaces: batch, script, API, REXX and ISPF, and does not apply to transfers scheduled by Command Center.

The valid values are:
  • YES: TCP and SNA transfer requests are accepted. This is the default value.
  • NO: TCP and SNA transfer requests are not accepted. Only requests initiated on the same server and scheduled through cross memory are accepted.
  • NODE: the node ALLOW_TRANSFER_REQUESTS parameter defines whether TCP or SNA requests are accepted. If a node definition is not defined for an incoming transfer schedule request, the request is denied.
ALLOW_MANAGE_REQUESTS Defines whether transfer management requests initiated through TCP or SNA are accepted.

This parameter applies to these platform server interfaces: batch, script, API, REXX and ISPF, and does not apply to transfers managed by Command Center. Management requests are typically ISPF or REXX transfer inquiries.

The valid values are:
  • YES: TCP and SNA transfer requests are accepted. This is the default value.
  • NO: TCP and SNA transfer requests are not accepted. Only requests initiated on the same server and scheduled through cross memory are accepted.
  • NODE: the node ALLOW_MANAGE_REQUESTS parameter defines whether TCP or SNA requests are accepted. If a node definition is not defined for an incoming transfer management request, the request is denied.

Defines the APPLID for VTAM.

This operand also defines the minor node name for the application.

You must have this parameter defined for the platform server to initialize SNA communications. If this parameter is not defined, the platform server does not attempt to start platform server SNA communications.

The valid values are applid or FUSNAPPL.

APPC_GENERIC_NAME Defines the resource as a VTAM generic resource to enable SYSPLEX support within TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS.

If this parameter is defined without the necessary SYSPLEX software and hardware support, a message is displayed indicating that SYSPLEX support is disabled. The valid value is an 8 character VTAM generic name.

AUDIT_TEMP_ERRORS Defines whether the platform server writes audit records for temporary network of file errors.

This parameter only applies when an error is retried. When the retries are exhausted, the platform server always writes an audit record when the request is purged from the active queue.

The valid values are:
  • NO: temporary errors are not written to the audit log or to SMF.
  • YES: temporary records are written to the audit log and to SMF.
  • BOTH: temporary records are written to the audit log and to SMF.
  • AUDIT: temporary records are written to the audit log but not to SMF.
  • SMF: temporary records are written to SMF but not to the audit log.
AUTOENABLE Defines how members of the CONFIG DD are enabled at startup.

The valid values are:

  • NO: only members defined in the CONFIG member or overridden by the GLOBAL CONFIG member are enabled. This is the default value.
  • YES: all members of the CONFIG DD statement are enabled unless the member is defined with the AUTOENABLE=NO parameter. If you want to use the Command Center function that creates node definitions, you must specify AUTOENABLE=YES.

Specifies the name of a FACILITY resource used to determine if a user is authorized to administer the work queue or maintain profile information.

The valid values are ANY or a facility name. This parameter supports the following functions:
  • Restricts the people that are able to administer the platform server work queue.

    By specifying a facility class name in this field, the platform server gives rights to administer the platform server work queue only to those users that have READ access to this facility class.

    By specifying ANY or by leaving this field bank, the platform server gives anybody rights to access the work queue: all valid users have the same rights and privileges. Any valid user can browse the work queue and display or put on hold or purge activities waiting to execute. You might have to consult your mainframe security specialist for a facility that can be used to limit access to the platform server work queue.

  • Restricts a user to view, but not update access to the platform server work queue.

    By creating a facility class with a prefix of the BOSSID and a suffix of .READ, you can assign users that can view all platform server transfers but can only update transfers where the local user ID matches their TSO user ID.

  • Determines if a user is a platform server administrator with ADD/DELETE/LIST capability of platform server profiles for all users.

    By specifying a facility class name in this field, the platform server assigns platform server administrator rights only to those users that have CONTROL access to this facility class.

    By specifying ANY or by leaving this field bank, the platform server gives anybody rights to perform the platform server administrator functions for all users. This means that any user is able to ADD/DELETE/LIST user profiles for all users.

CA7 Defines when the CA7 interface program (U7SVC) is called.
Three values are defined:
  • YES: U7SVC is called for tasks only when a file is created.
  • ALL: U7SVC is called for tasks when a file is created or replaced.
  • NO: U7SVC cannot be called.

This parameter contains two subparameters. The first subparameter defines the conditions that U7SVC is called for initiator requests, while the second subparameter defines the conditions that U7SVC is called for responder tasks. The default value is NO,NO.

For example, CA7=YES,ALL indicates that U7SVC is called when an initiator creates a file, and when a responder creates or replaces a file.

CCC_ADMIN_FACILITY Defines the facility name that is checked to determine if a Command Center user has administrative capabilities.

The valid values are a 32 byte facility name or $CCC.ADMIN. This must be an RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret facility name. If the facility name is not defined, then no user has Command Center administrative capabilities.

The Command Center administrative capabilities include:
  • List or update node definitions.
  • List or update profile definitions.
  • Execute platform server transfers.
  • Browse platform server completed transfers.
  • Alter platform server transfers waiting to run.
CCC_ALTER_FACILITY Defines the facility name that is checked to determine if a Command Center user has authorization to alter transfers.

The valid values are a 32 byte facility name or $CCC.ALTER. This must be an RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret facility name. If the facility name is not defined, then users are not authorized to alter transfers.

CCC_BROWSE_FACILITY Defines the facility name that is checked to determine if a Command Center user has authorization to view transfers.

The valid values are a 32 byte facility name or $CCC.BROWSE. This must be a RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret facility name.

If the facility name is not defined, then all validated users are authorized to view transfers. If this facility is not defined to RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret, then all validated users are authorized to view transfers. If a validated Command Center user is not authorized for this facility, then that user can only view transfers initiated by his own user ID.

CCC_TRANSFER_FACILITY Defines the facility name that is checked to determine if a Command Center user has authorization to initiate transfers.

The valid values are a 32 byte facility name or $CCC.TRANSFER.This must be a RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret facility name.

If the facility name is not defined, then all validated users are authorized to initiate transfers. If this facility is not defined to RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret, then all validated users are authorized to initiate transfers.

CONFIG Defines the CONFIG DD member that specifies the node members to activate.

The valid values are a member name or CONFIG. The default member name is CONFIG. For more information, see Defining Remote Systems in Configuration Library.

CRCCHECK Defines whether CRC checking is turned on by default. CRC checking is performed against the data that is sent over the network to ensure that the data has not been corrupted. The CRC is not performed against the file itself. ASCII to EBCDIC conversion, translation, and LF/CRLF change the contents of the file between the sender and receiver so the CRC is not performed against the file contents.
The valid values are:
  • YES: perform CRC checking by default
  • NO: Do not perform CRC checking by default. NO is the default value.

The CRCCHECK parameter on the Node and batch parameters will override the Global CRCCHECK settings.

Note: If the partner platform server does not support CRC checking, CRC will still be computed but will not be checked against the partner's CRC value computed.
DATACLASS_DEFAULT_VOLCT Defines the volume count that is set when a new data set is created and the DATACLASS parameter is specified.

The valid values are any number from 0 to 255. The default value 0 indicates that platform server does not set the MVS volume count and therefore uses the volume count defined by the DATACLASS.

When a non-zero value is defined, the platform server sets the volume count when the following prerequisites are met:
  • An MVS file is being created.
  • The DATACLASS parameter is defined.
  • The GLOBAL DATACLASS_DEFAULT_VOLCT parameter is set between 1 and 255.
DEFAULT_COSNAME Defines the default COS name that is used for all file transfers.

This name must match a COS entry that is enabled at startup or through the ENABLE operator command.

This parameter has no default value. As such, if this parameter is not entered, no default COS can be used. Therefore, if you want to use the platform server COS facility, you must define the node DEFAULT_COSNAME or the batch COSNAME parameter.

DEFAULT_RECEIVE_DISP Defines the action to be taken when a RECEIVE request is executed, and the RECEIVE DISP parameter is not specified.

This parameter is also known as EFFECT.

The valid values are:
  • CREATE_REPLACE: this is the default value. If the file exists on the system, replaces the file. If the file does not exist, creates the file.
  • CREATE: if the file does not exist, creates the file. If the file exists on the system, displays an error message and terminates the transfer request with errors.
  • REPLACE: if the file exists on the system, replaces the file. If the file does not exist, displays an error message and terminates the transfer request with errors.
  • APPEND: if the file exists on the system, appends to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, displays an error message and terminates the transfer request with errors.
  • CREATE_APPEND: if the file exists on the system, appends to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, creates the file.
DEFAULT_TRY_COUNT Defines the total number of times that a file transfer can be tried when temporary errors occur.

A request that ends with a network or temporary file error can be retried. This parameter is only used when the RETRY/TRY count defined by the batch interface is set to 0.

The default setting is to try a request 7 times before terminating the transfer with a permanent error. If the try count is exceeded for transfers that receive recoverable file errors, transfers are terminated regardless of the FILE_ERROR_TRY_COUNT setting.

The valid values are from 1 to 9999.

DNI_INTERVAL Defines the interval in minutes that the platform server waits before scanning the catalog for new data sets.

The default value 1 indicates the platform server waits for one minute between scanning the catalog for new data sets. The valid values are from 1 to 1440.

DNI_USERID Defines whether DNI requests are run under the ACEE of the started task, or under another user ID.

By using the default value of STC, all DNI functions are run under the ACEE of the started task.

By specifying a valid z/OS user ID, all DNI functions are run under this user ID's authorization, including scanning the catalog for requests, processing the request, and performing post processing actions on the file.

EMAIL_FAIL Defines either a single email address or multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon (;) to send a notification message if a platform server file transfer request is unsuccessful.

The maximum field length is 64 characters including any semicolons. As an alternative, an email distribution list defined in the organization email system can be used to specify multiple email addresses to receive this notification.

This parameter has no default value, which means that no email notification takes place when a request fails.

EMAIL_GOOD Defines either a single email address or multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon (;) to send a notification message if a platform server file transfer request is successful.

The maximum field length is 64 characters including any semicolons. As an alternative, an email distribution list defined in the organization's email system can be used to specify multiple email addresses to receive this notification.

This parameter has no default for this parameter, which means that no email notification takes place when a request is successful.

EMAIL_NOTIFY Defines when the platform server sends email notifications.
The valid values are:
  • NONE: no email notification is sent. This is the default value.
  • INITIATOR: email notifications are sent on initiator transfers.
  • RESPONDER: email notifications are sent on responder transfers.
  • BOTH: email notifications are sent on initiator and responder transfers.
Note: GLOBAL EMAIL_GOOD and EMAIL_FAIL are also required before notifications take place.
EMAILSUBGOOD Defines the email subject that is used for successful email notifications.

You can enter 1 to 58 characters in this field. In addition to the fixed information, tokens can be defined to add dynamic information to the subject.

See the following list of the tokens that are supported in the long and short forms:
  • #(STATUS) or #(ST): failure or success.
  • #(NODE) or #(ND): 1 to 64 byte node name, IP address or IP name.
  • #(SERVER) or #(STC): 1 to 8 character started task name.
  • #(PROCESS) or #(PR): 1 to 8 character transfer process name.
  • #(TRANSID) or #(TID): 10 character transfer transaction ID.
  • #(EASTERTIDE) or #(UD): 1 to 25 character transfer description.
  • #(LFILE) or #(LF): 1 to 255 character transfer local file name.

The maximum length of the subject field after token substitution is 230 bytes.

The default value is Transfer Request #(ST) Activity Number #(TR).
Note: Columns 1 to 71 are read. Do not put any comments at the end of this parameter.
EMAILSUBFAIL Defines the email subject that is used for unsuccessful email notifications.

You can enter 1 to 58 characters in this field. In addition to the fixed information, tokens can be defined to add dynamic information to the subject.

See the following list of the tokens in the long and short forms that are supported:
  • #(STATUS) or #(ST): failure or success.
  • #(NODE) or #(ND): 1 to 64 byte node name, IP address or IP name.
  • #(SERVER) or #(STC): 1 to 8 character started task name.
  • #(PROCESS) or #(PR): 1 to 8 character transfer process name.
  • #(TRANSID) or #(TID): 10 character transfer transaction ID.
  • #(EASTERTIDE) or #(UD): 1 to 25 character transfer description.
  • #(LFILE) or #(LF): 1 to 255 character transfer local file name.

The maximum length of the subject field after token substitution is 230 bytes.

The default value is Transfer Request #(ST) Activity Number #(TR).
Note: Columns 1 to 71 are read. Do not put any comments at the end of this parameter.
ENCRYPT Defines the level of encryption that is used by default in your system.
The valid values are:
  • NONE: no encryption. This is the default value.
  • AES: AES 256 bit encryption.
  • AES128: AES 128 bit encryption.
  • DES: DES encryption.
  • 3DES: Triple DES encryption.
  • BF: Blowfish 56 bit encryption.
  • BLOWFISH: Blowfish 56 bit encryption.
  • BFL: Blowfish 448 bit encryption.
  • BLOWFISH_LONG: Blowfish 448 bit encryption.
Note: RJ and RIJNDAEL are accepted, but the compatible AES encryption is used instead.

If PASSONLY operand is used, then only the password is encrypted using the encryption algorithm specified. The data is not encrypted. PASSONLY is valid only for z/OS to z/OS transfers.

ENFORCE_SECURITY_POLICY Defines which security policy is enforced.
The valid values are:
  • FIPS140: Uses FIPS 140 security policy.
  • TLSFIPS: Uses FIPS 140 protocols and ciphers to execute all SSL/TLS connections, but does not require the entire STC to execute in FIPS 140 mode.
  • HIPAA: Uses HIPAA security policy. This requires that all files are transferred using encryption, and that encryption must be 128 bits or greater. This checking takes place for both initiator and responder requests.
  • NO: Uses no security policy. This is the default value.
ENQ_ENTIRE_TRANSFER Defines whether the entire transfer is enqueued, including Post Processing Actions (PPA). The valid values are:

NO: Uses SYSDSN ENQ to limit access to files while the files are allocated. This is the default value.

YES: Uses ENQ for the file being transferred for the life of the transfer, including Post Processing Actions.

ERRDESC Defines the default descriptor code to use for platform server error messages.

The default value is4. You can specify as many as you want. It is good practice that you leave this parameter as default.

ERRROUTE Defines the default console route to use for platform server error messages.

The default value is 15. You can specify as many as you want. It is good practice that you leave this parameter as default.

EXIT00 Defines whether or not user exit is driven at the end of file transfer.

The valid values are NO or YES.The default value is NO. With this exit, you can perform an action based on the result of a file transfer. This exit can be invoked on transfer completion (successful or unsuccessful), or on temporary errors, such as network errors, and also for each transfer retry.

For more information on how to code a user exit, see Appendix F. User Exits.
Note: The module name of the user exit is FUSEX00 and must be included in the load library at platform server startup if YES is specified for this parameter.
EXIT01 Defines additional security validation to ensure that the user is authorized to use platform server or to access the data set in question.

The valid values are NO or YES.The default value is NO. For more information, see Appendix F. User Exits.

EXIT03 Defines if the storage manager user exit can be invoked.

To invoke this exit properly, the EXIT_MIGRATE_VOLUME must be set to the volume used by the storage management system. The valid values are NO or YES. The default value is NO. For more information, see Appendix F. User Exits.

EXIT04 Defines whether the preallocation user exit FUSEX04 can be called.

The valid values are NO or YES. The default value is NO. For more information, see Appendix F. User Exits.

EXIT05 Defines whether or not the purge-transfer-from-queue user exit is driven.

With this exit, you can perform an action based on the result of a file transfer. This exit is invoked when a transfer request is completed successfully or unsuccessfully and the transfer is purged from the work queue. The exit is not invoked on temporary errors, such as network errors, until the batch interface RETRY parameter is reached and the transfer is purged.

The valid values are NO or YES. The default value is NO.
For more information, see Appendix F. User Exits.
Note: If YES is specified for this parameter, the module name of the user exit is FUSEX05 and must be included in the load library at platform server startup.
EXIT06 Defines whether the add transfer to queue user exit is driven.

With this exit, you can check the specified transfer parameters, override parameters specified, fail the transfer or return with no changes. This exit is invoked when a transfer request is queued.

The valid values are NO or YES. The default value is NO. For more information, see the Appendix F. User Exits.
Note: If YES is specified for this parameter, the module name of the user exit is FUSEX06 and must be included in the load library at platform server startup.
EXIT_MIGRATE_VOLUME Defines the 6 character VOLSER that informs the platform server when a data set is migrated.

This parameter is used when a storage manager other than HSM is used in an installation. This parameter has no default value.

When detects this VOLSER, the platform server calls EXIT03 to perform the data set recall. When this parameter is specified, EXIT03 must also be specified as YES, and program FUSEX03 must be assembled and link-edited to the platform server STEPLIB.

EXIT_MIGRATE_WAIT_TIME Defines the maximum amount of time in seconds that the platform server waits for the data set to be restored before marking the request as a temporary error.

The valid values are from 20 to 9999. When the storage manager user exit EXIT03 is invoked, a return code is sent indicating that a recall has been submitted and the platform server must wait before accessing the data set.

EXPIRE Defines the default number of days that an unfinished file transfer remains on the work queue before being purged by the platform server.

It is good practice that you leave this parameter to the default value of 30 days.

EXTENDED_SECURITY_CHECK Defines whether extended resource checking is performed for file transfer requests.
Note: This checking is only performed for initiator requests.

This parameter contains two sub-parameters. The default value is NO,NO.

The first subparameter defines whether extended resource checking is performed to check if a user is authorized to use the platform server.

The second subparameter defines whether extended resource checking is performed to check if a user is authorized to use a node within the platform server.

For each sub-parameter, the valid values are:
  • ENFORCE: performs extended resource checking. If the extended security checking fails, displays a message and terminates the request with errors.
  • WARN: performs extended resource checking. If the extended security checking fails, displays a message, but the request can continue. This is useful in a migration phase where you do not want to terminate transfer requests.
  • NO: does not perform extended resource checking.

For more information, see Define Platform Server to the z/OS Security System.

EXTENDED_SECURITY_RESOURCE Defines the resource that is used when extended resource checking is turned on.

The value defined by this parameter is a prefix to the fixed component of the extended resource check.

For more information, see Define Platform Server to the z/OS Security System.

FILE_ERROR_TRY_COUNT Defines the maximum number of times that a file transfer is tried when temporary file errors occur.

Many file transfer requests are terminated because of retry-able file errors. The valid values are from 1 to 9999. The default value is 5.

FILE_ERROR_TRY_COUNT cannot be overridden by the batch interface. Temporary file errors are only retried up to the lower number of the value defined by FILE_ERROR_TRY_COUNT and the try count defined by the transfer or by the GLOBAL DEFAULT_TRY_COUNT.

If the FILE_ERROR_TRY_COUNT exceeds the try count, file errors are terminated when the try count is reached. The default is to try a request 5 times before terminating the transfer with a permanent error.


Defines the amount of time in seconds that a request waits after a retry-able file error and before the request is retried.

The default value is 60. The valid values are from 10 to 9999.

Note: The actual interval can be up to 60 seconds or more than the value specified, depending on when the error occurs and when the dispatcher runs.
FIND_NODE_COMPATIBILITY Defines the mechanism for finding a node definition for incoming requests. In MFT 7.2 and later, the code uses a reverse DNS lookup to match the incoming request to a node definition; prior releases used a one-time DNS request to match the incoming request to a node definition. The valid values are:
  • Yes: Uses both methods to match an incoming request to a node definition. Both the reverse DNS lookup and the DNS lookup are used.
  • No: Uses only the reverse DNS look will be used to match an incoming request to a node definition. This is the default value.
HOLD_TEMPORARY_FILE_ERRORS Defines what happens when a locally initiated file transfer is completed with a temporary file error, and the platform server retries until the GLOBAL FILE_ERROR_TRY_COUNT is exceeded.
The valid values are:
  • NO: purges the transfer from the active queue. This is the default value.
  • YES: puts the transfer on the hold queue. The operator can then release the transfer when the condition that caused the error is resolved.

This parameter contains two sub-parameters.

The first sub-parameter defines what happens when a locally initiated file transfer is completed with a temporary file or network error, and the platform server retries until the batch try count or GLOBAL DEFAULT_TRY_COUNT is exceeded.
For the first sub-parameter, the valid values are:
  • NO: purges the transfer from the active queue. This is the default value.
  • YES: puts the transfer on the hold queue. The operator can then release the transfer when the condition that caused the error is resolved.

The second sub-parameter defines if the file can be released automatically.

For the second sub-parameter, the valid values are:
  • NORELEASE: the transfer cannot be released automatically. The transfer must be released by a platform server operator.
  • RELEASE: the platform server can automatically release the file transfer request.
The transfer request can be released in the following two ways:
  • The operator can release the transfer.
  • The transfer can also be released if another transfer request is successfully performed with the same node. The request that causes the transfer to be released can be initiated locally or remotely.
HSM_MIGRATE_VOLUME Defines the 6 character volser that informs the platform server when a data set is migrated.

The default value is MIGRAT. When the platform server detects a migrated data set, the data set is recalled before the transfer is started.


Defines whether EBCDIC line feed (0x25) and new line (0x15) characters are checked when the transfer DELIMITER is set to LF or CRLF. ASCII line feeds (0x0A) are always checked. The default value of NO indicates that both EBCDIC and ASCII line feeds are checked. When set to YES, only ASCII line feeds are checked.

  • When CRLF is set to LF, the following delimiters are checked: 0x0a, 0x15, 0x25
  • When CRLF is set to CRLF, the following delimiters are checked: 0x0d0a, 0x0d15, 0x0d25
Note: This parameter is only used when zOS is receiving a file and the delimiter is set to LF or CRLF.
INFODESC Defines the default descriptor code for information messages from the platform server.

You can specify as many descriptor codes as you want. Separate descriptor codes by commas. It is good practice that you leave this parameter as the default value 4.

INFOROUTE Defines the default console route code for information messages from the platform server.

You can specify as many route codes as you want. Separate route codes by commas. It is good practice that you leave this parameter as the default value 15.

INITIATORSTOP Defines whether the user can start the platform server in a quiesced mode.
The valid values are:
  • NO: initiator tasks run normally when the platform server is started. This is the default value.
  • YES: the platform server can be started, but cannot initiate any file transfer requests. You can use the INITIATORSTOP operator command to stop initiator requests while the platform server is running, and use the INITIATORSTART operator command to start initiator tasks again.

Defines the PDS data set name used for the SUBMIT operand.

When you use TYPE=COMMAND, SUBMIT=membername operand of the platform server batch interface to submit a job, if the JCL is located on the remote system, you can define the JCL to be submitted through one of the following two ways:
  • Specify the entire data set name in the SUBMIT operand.
  • Specify just a member in the SUBMIT operand.
When just a member name is specified in the SUBMIT operand, the platform server uses the data set name defined in the GLOBAL JOB_SUBMIT_DSN parameter.
Note: This field must be from 1 to 44 characters and must specify a cataloged PDS data set. Member names must not be specified on this parameter.
MANAGE_INTERFACE_PROTOCOL Defines the protocols that are accepted to manage transfers.

Platform server transfers can be managed in three ways: cross memory, SNA communication and TCP communication. Cross memory requests are always accepted. Only TCP and SNA protocols can be restricted.

The valid values are:
  • ALL: TCP, SNA and cross memory requests are all accepted. This is the default value.
  • NONE: only cross memory requests are accepted.
  • TCP: TCP and cross memory requests are accepted.
  • SNA: SNA and cross memory requests are accepted.
This parameter describes how transfers can be managed and does not regulate how transfers actually execute. Only the following programs that manage transfers are referred to:
  • Batch: OSIUB000 and OSIUC000 OPERATE function
  • ISPF: REXX and ISPF panels
MAX_AUDIT_RECORDS Defines the number of audit records that can be written to the platform server audit file.
When that number is exceeded or the file runs out of space, the platform server begins rewriting over the oldest records in the audit files. The default value is 25,000 and the valid range is from 100 to 99,999,999.
Note: This parameter is dependent on the size allocated for the audit VSAM data set. The MAX_AUDIT_RECORDS must not be greater than the maximum number of records that can fit into the audit VSAM data set.
For more information, see Defining the Audit VSAM Data Set.
MAXINITS Defines the maximum number of initiator requests that can be active on this system at any one time.

The default value is 100. The valid range is from 1 to 99,999.

MAXRESP Defines the number of responder transfers that can be active on this system at any one time.

The default value is 70. The valid range is from 1 to 99,999.

MAXSCRIPTS Defines the maximum number of script requests that can be active on this system at any one time.

The default value is 50. The valid range is from 1 to 99,999. This parameter is used to limit the number of concurrent scripts that can be executed in the started task. This value must be less than or equal to the MAXINITS value.

MAXTOTAL Defines the number of transfers in total that can be active on this system at any one time.

The default value is 100. The valid range is from 1 to 99,999. The default value 100 is adequate for most users.

MIXED_CASE_PASSWORDS Defines whether password validation uses mixed case passwords or translates all passwords to upper case.
The valid values are:
  • Yes: passwords are not translated to upper case.
  • No: passwords are translated to upper case. This is the default value.
MODENAME Defines the SNA mode name.

It is good practice that you leave it as the default value. If you do not use the default value, you must define a VTAM mode entry. The valid values must be from 1 to 8 characters and must correspond to a VTAM MODEENT. The default value is #BATCH.

You can refer to the platform server sample library for an example.

MQ_FAIL Defines the message queue where the platform server sends a notification message when a file transfer request is completed unsuccessfully.

The valid values are $MQ:queue _manager _name:message_queue_name.

$MQ is a literal and must be the first three characters. The message queue name must be from 1 to 55 characters. This parameter has no default value, which means that no MQ notification takes place when a request fails.

MQ_GOOD Defines the message queue where the platform server sends a notification message when a file transfer request completes successfully.

The valid values are $MQ:queue _manager _name:message_queue_name.

$MQ is literal and must be the first three characters. The message queue name must be from 1 to 55 characters. This parameter has no default value, which means that no MQ notification takes place when a request is successful.

MQ_NOTIFY Defines when the platform server sends MQ notifications.
The valid values are:
  • NONE: no MQ notification is sent. This is the default value.
  • INITIATOR: MQ notification is sent for initiator tasks.
  • RESPONDER: MQ notification is sent for responder tasks.
  • BOTH: MQ notification is sent for both initiator and responder tasks.
Note: The GLOBAL MQ_GOOD and MQ_FAIL are also required before notifications take place.
MQ_WAIT_MSEC Defines the interval in milliseconds that MQ waits for additional data before returning EOF.

The default value is 5000. This means MQ waits for additional data for 5 seconds before returning EOF.

The valid values are from 0 to 99999999. A value of 0 tells MQ not to wait for additional data and return EOF after reading the last record.

OUTC Defines the output class to which the platform server log is written.

Use a held SYSOUT class so the log can be browsed online. The valid values are from A to Z, or 0 to 9. The default value is blank, which implies that the SYSOUT log goes to the system wide default SYSOUT class.

OUTDEST Defines the JES destination of the platform server SYSOUT log.

The valid values are from 1 to 8 characters. The default value is LOCAL.

PDS_SPACE_RELEASE Defines whether unused disk space is automatically released when a PDS file is created.
The valid values are:
  • YES: releases unused disk space when a PDS file is created. This is the default value.
  • NO: does not release unused disk space when a PDS file is created.
Note: This parameter applies only to PDS and PDSE files. It is ignored when a user specifically tells the platform server to release or not release space for a particular file.
PDS_WRITE_DISP Defines how the platform server allocates PDS files when the platform server is updating or writing a PDS file.
The valid values are:
  • OLD: the platform server requires exclusive access (DISP=OLD) to the data set. This is the default value.
  • SHR: the platform server requires shared access (DISP=SHR) to the data set.
PRIMARY_SPACE Defines the number of cylinders or tracks to allocate for the primary allocation when creating a new z/OS data set if the platform server is acting as a responder.
When you first install the product, you can leave this parameter to the default value 3.
Note: The platform server allocates new data sets with the release (RLSE) option to avoid wasting space. If that is not acceptable, then you can pre-allocate the file. This parameter is only used when the initiator of the transfer is not running TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS and has not specified the allocation information.
REMOVE_TRAILING_CR Defines whether to remove the CR delimiter when z/OS is receiving a file with the CRLF=LF parameter and the file being received is CRLF delimited rather than just LF delimited.
The valid values are:
  • YES: the platform server automatically removes the trailing CR delimiter.
  • NO: the platform server does not remove the trailing CR delimiter. This is the default value.
REQUIRE_NODE_DEFINITION Defines whether node definition must be enabled before a transfer request can take place.
This parameter has two subparameters. The first subparameter is for initiator requests and the second subparameter is for responder requests. The default values are NO,NO.
  • If YES is specified for an initiator request, the IPADDR and IPNAME parameters cannot be used. Requests can be scheduled only through the use of the NODE parameter, and the node specified in the NODE parameter must be enabled. If IPADDR or IPNAME parameters are used, or if the node specified on the NODE parameter is not enabled, the request is terminated with an error.
  • If YES is specified for a responder request, the platform server checks the node definitions when a request is received. If the LUNAME or IP address from which the request is received is defined on an enabled node definition, the request is accepted. Otherwise, the request is rejected with an error.
RESETINTERVAL Defines the time in minutes before the platform server reset all retry-able errors and retry file transfers.

The valid values are 1 to 60. The default value is 7.

RESPONDER_PROFILE Defines if the system requires responder profiles when a request comes in.
The valid values are:
  • YES: requires responder profiles. This can only be overridden by a node definition that specifies the RESPONDER_PROFILE parameter.
  • NO: does not require responder profiles. This is the default value.
  • DUAL: the responder profiles are checked. If no matches are found in the responder profile, the request can continue to be processed, and the user ID and password are checked against the RACF or ACF2 or Top Secret security system.
For more information, see User Profiles.
RESPONDER_PROFILE_LPASS Defines whether a local password is required when defining a responder profile for a local user that is different than the user initiating the request.
The valid values are:
  • YES: local password is required to create a responder profile when the user initiating the request is different than the user defined by the LUSER parameter.
  • NO: local password is not required to create a responder profile when the user initiating the request is different than the user defined by the LUSER parameter. This is the default value.
RESPONDERSTOP Defines whether a user can stop responder requests while the platform server is running.
The valid values are:
  • YES: the platform server can be started, but can not accept any responder file transfer requests. You can use the RESPONDERSTART operator command to start responder tasks again.
  • NO: responder tasks run normally when the platform server is started. This is the default value.
RSHOST Defines the IP address or host name of the RocketStream server.

By defining a host on the command line or in a transfer template, you can override the RSHost value configured in the config.txt.

When this parameter is not defined, if you have RSAccelerator set to Yes, the value configured for RSHost in the config.txt is used.

RSPORT Defines the port number the RocketStream server is listening on for transfers using the RocketStream technology.

By defining a port number on the command line or in a transfer template, you can override the RSPort value configured in the config.txt.

The default value is 9099.When this parameter is not defined, if you have RSAccelerator set to Yes, then the value configured for RSPort in the config.txt is used.

SAPI_INTERFACE Defines whether the platform server Sysout API (SAPI) interface program is activated.
The valid values are:
  • YES: activates the SAPI interface.
  • NO: does not activate the SAPI interface. This is the default value.

The SAPI interface extracts data off the JES spools and transmits it to a remote system either as a file or a report.

SAPI_SUBSYSTEM Defines the name of the SAPI subsystem.

The valid values must be 4 byte. Using this parameter, you can override the name of the subsystem that is used for all SAPI requests.

This parameter is not required because the default value is the name of the primary subsystem, which is either JES2 or JES3. If you must use a secondary subsystem, you can use this parameter to override the subsystem name.

SAPI_USERID Defines whether SAPI requests are run under that ACEE of the started task or under another user ID.

By specifying or using the default value of STC, all SAPI functions run under the ACEE of the started task.

By specifying a valid z/OS user ID, all SAPI functions, including scanning the JES queue for output, processing the request, and performing post processing actions on output, run under this user ID's authorization.

SECONDARY_SPACE Defines the number of units that are allocated on disk for the secondary space allocation for new data sets created by the platform server.

The type of units are determined by the SPACE= parameter. The default value is 0.

SMF Defines whether SMF records are written.

The valid values are NO or an SMF record number ranging from 192 to 255.

For more information on SMF data format, see TIBCO Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/OS User's Guide.

SMS_STORAGE_CLASS Defines the name of the SMS storage class to be used when the platform server creates new data sets.

The valid value is a 1 to 8 character storage class name. Do not specify this parameter unless you use SMS and your storage or DASD administrator specifically advises it for incoming files.

SMTP_DEST Defines the JES destination that is used when an email is sent by the platform server.

The valid value is an 8 character JES SYSOUT destination. If this parameter is not defined, the email is sent to the default JES destination. Using this parameter, the platform server can send the data to an SMTP server running on a different system.

SMTP_JOBNAME Defines the name of the SMTP started task.

This name is required for the platform server email feature and it must match the name of the SMTP started task.

SMTP_LOCALCLASS Defines the SYSOUT class to which the platform server writes SMTP requests.

This class must match the LOCALCLASS parameter of the SMTP configuration data set.


Defines the name of the TCP host.

When sending an email, the platform server uses this name when setting up the SMTP MAIL FROM command. This name shows up as the sender of the email when the email is read. The valid values can be up to 40 bytes of data.

SPACE Defines the default space allocation in cylinders or tracks.

This is the default unit type for space allocations when a new data set must be created on this system to satisfy a platform server activity.

SSL_CLIENT_DNLABEL Defines the label name of certificate that is used by the SSL client.

This certificate is used for the client. If you want to use the default certificate, you must specify this parameter as NULL in upper case.

If this parameter is not specified, the SSL client uses the certificate label defined by the SSL_DNLABEL parameter.

If you are using the gskkyman utility, the label name is entered when issuing the certificate request. When using the RACDCERT command, the label name is specified on the ADD request by the WITHLABEL parameter.

SSL_DNLABEL Defines the label name of certificate that is used by the SSL server.

This certificate is used for the server. If you want to use the default certificate, you must specify this parameter as NULL in upper case.

If the SSL_CLIENT_DNLABEL parameter is not specified, the SSL client also uses this certificate defined for the server.

If you are using the gskkyman utility, the label name is entered when issuing the certificate request. When using the RACDCERT command, the label name is specified on the ADD request by the WITHLABEL parameter.

SSL_ENCRYPT Defines the level of encryption that is used by default for SSL requests in your system. This parameter is ignored for TLS Tunnel requests because all data is encrypted within the TLS Tunnel.
The valid values are:
  • NONE: no encryption.
  • AES: AES 256 bit encryption.
  • AES128: AES 128 bit encryption.
  • DES: DES encryption.
  • 3DES: Triple DES encryption.
  • BLOWFISH | BF: Blowfish 56 bit encryption. This is the default value.
  • BLOWFISH_LONG | BFL: Blowfish 448 bit encryption.
Note: RJ and RIJNDAEL are also accepted, but the compatible AES encryption is used instead.
SSL_KEY_DBNAME Defines the name of the key database or ring name that contains the certificates used by the platform server.

If you are using the z/OS shell bases utility gskkyman, then you must define the name of the HFS key database file created by that utility.

If you are using the RACF RACDCERT command, then you must define the name of the key ring associated with the platform server started task.

SSL_KEY_DBSTASH Defines the name of the HFS key database stash file.

If you are not using a stash file, you can omit this parameter, or specify this parameter as NULL.

If you are using a key ring, then you must omit this parameter, or specify this parameter as NULL.

If possible, do not use the stash file. If you are using the gskkyman utility, it is good practice that you use the $SSLDB user profile instead.

SSL_NETWORK_IPADDR Defines the IP address of the local system.

The default value is the IP address of the local system. This parameter is used to define whether a request must be an SSL request.

The platform server takes the IP address of the local system and the IP address of the target system. The platform server determines the subnet of these two addresses by using the SSL_NETWORK_SUBNET parameter. The platform server then compares the two values to determine if a request is within the subnet or outside the subnet. If inside the subnet, then the request does not have to be an SSL request. If outside the subnet, then the request must be an SSL request.

SSL_NETWORK_IPADDR_IPV6 Defines the IPV6 address of the local system.

This parameter is used to decide whether a request must be an SSL request.

The platform server takes the IPV6 address of the local system and the IP address of the target system, and determines the subnet of these two addresses by using the SSL_NETWORK_SUBNET_IPV6 parameter, and then compares the two values to determine if a request is within the subnet or outside the subnet.

If inside the subnet, then the request does not have to be an SSL request. If outside the subnet, then the request must be an SSL request.

SSL_NETWORK_SUBNET Defines the subnet of the SSL_NETWORK_IPADDRESS that is used to check if a request must use SSL.

This is specified in dotted decimal format. Any target system that is outside of the defined subnet requires SSL. This parameter has no default value.

SSL_NETWORK_SUBNET_IPV6 Defines the subnet of the SSL_NETWORK_IPADDR_IPV6 that is used to check if a request must use SSL.

You must specify a number ranging from 0 to 128 and divisible by 8. Any target system that is outside of the defined subnet requires SSL. This parameter has no default value.

SSL_REQUEST Defines when or whether SSL must be used.
The valid values are :
  • NO: SSL is not required but can be used. This is the default value.
  • YES: SSL must be used for both initiator and responder requests.
  • OUTSIDE_NETWORK: SSL usage depends on the IP address of the target system and how it compares with the address of the local system.

    If the target system address is outside the subnet defined by the SSL_NETWORK_IPADDRESS and SSL_NETWORK_SUBNET parameters, the request must use SSL.

SSL_REQUEST_IPV6 Defines when or whether SSL must be used on IPV6 networks..
The valid values are :
  • NO: SSL is not required but can be used. This is the default value.
  • YES: SSL must be used for both initiator and responder requests.
  • OUTSIDE_NETWORK: SSL usage depends on the IPV6 address of the target system and how it compares with the address of the local system.

    If the target system address is outside the subnet defined by the SSL_NETWORK_IPADDR_IPV6 and SSL_NETWORK_SUBNET_IPV6 parameters, then the request must use SSL.

SSL_VERSION This parameter is typically not used, because the platform server automatically detects the operating system level.

The valid values are OS390 or ZOS. This parameter has no default value.

Ensure that you only use this parameter under TIBCO technical support instructions.

SSLIPPORT_IPV6 Defines the IPV6 port that the platform server listens on for SSL requests.

The valid values are either 0 or a number from 1025 to 65535. The default value 0 indicates that the platform server does not listen for incoming IPV6 SSL requests.

If a non-SSL request is received on this port, then an error message is sent to the initiator and the request is terminated.

This field must be different than the IPPORT parameter, and unique on the z/OS system.

SSLLISTEN_ADAPTER_IPADDR Defines the adapter that the platform server must bind to before issuing a TCP listen request for the SSL IP port.

This indicates that the platform server accepts only requests that come in through the interface defined with this specified IP address. The default value ALL means to listen to all interfaces for incoming requests.

The address specified must be in dotted decimal format and match an IP address defined for a network interface in the TCP/IP configuration.

SSLLISTEN_ADAPTER_IPADDR_IPV6 Defines the IPv6 address of the TCP network interface that your platform server started task listens for incoming SSL connections.
The default value ALL means to listen to all TCP network interfaces. If you want to listen to only a single network interface, specify the IPv6 address of the network interface, and the platform server only listens to that network interface for incoming requests.
Note: This parameter is used only for incoming SSL requests, and is ignored for outgoing requests.
SSLIPPORT Defines the IP port that the platform server listens on for SSL requests.

If a non-SSL request is received on this IP port, then an error message is sent to the initiator and the request is terminated.

This field must be different than the IPPORT parameter, and unique on the z/OS system. This parameter has no default value. If this parameter is not defined, then SSL processing is disabled.

SSLIPPORT_IPV6 Defines the IPv6 port that the platform server listens on for SSL requests.

If non-SSL requests are received on this port, then an error message is sent to the initiator and the request is terminated.

This field must be different than the IPPORT parameter, and must be unique on the z/OS system. The valid values are either 0 or a number from 1025 to 65535. The default value 0 indicates that the platform server does not listen for incoming IPV6 SSL requests.

TAPE_SECURITY_EXIT Defines the processing performed when the SMS tape security exit is invoked for a tape mount that is not expired.
The valid values are:
  • ERROR: rejects the tape mount. Terminates the transfer with retry-able abend 913-34.
  • IGNORE: performs the default SMS action. This is the default value.
TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT Defines the amount of time in seconds that TCP waits for a TCP connect request to be completed before terminating the request with an error.

The default is to wait until TCP times out the request. The valid values are from 10 to 180.

TCP_TIMEOUT Defines the interval in minutes after which the platform server terminates all TCP read and write requests that are not completed.

If you leave this parameter to the default value 30, the platform server terminates a request only when TCP detects that a connection is terminated. The maximum value is 1440, which is the number of minutes in one day.

You have to set this parameter high enough to ensure that network re-transmissions and tape mounts do not cause a request to fail.

TCPCONNECT_ADAPTER_IPADDR Defines the IP address of the TCP network interface to which your platform server started task binds for outgoing connections.
The default value ALL means to bind to all TCP network interfaces. If you want to bind to only a single network interface, specify the dotted decimal address of the network interface, so the platform server only binds to that network interface for outgoing requests.
Note: This parameter is used only for outgoing requests, and is ignored for incoming requests.
TCPCONNECT_ADAPTER_IPADDR_IPV6 Defines the IP address of the TCP network interface that your platform server started task binds to for outgoing IPv6 connections.
The default value ALL means to bind to all TCP network interfaces. If you want to bind to only a single network interface, specify the IPv6 address of the network interface, so the platform server only binds to that network interface for outgoing requests.
Note: This parameter is used only for outgoing requests, and is ignored for incoming requests.
TCPIPJOBNAME Defines the name of the TCP/IP started task on the local z/OS system.

The job name can contain up to 8 characters.

TCPIPPORT Defines the IP port that the platform server listens on for incoming transfer requests.

The valid values are either 0 or a number from 1025 to 65535. The default value is 46464. If 0 is specified, then the platform server does not listen for incoming requests.

This parameter is also used as the default IP port on a TCP connect request unless the IPPORT on the NODE or PROCESS statements is specified.

TCPIPPORT_IPV6 Defines the IPv6 port that the platform server listens on for incoming transfer requests.

The valid values are either 0 or a number from 1025 to 65535. The default value 0 indicates that the platform server does not listen for incoming IPv6 requests.

TCPLISTEN_ADAPTER_IPADDR Defines the IP address of the TCP network interface that your platform server started task listens for incoming connections.

The default value ALL means to listen to all TCP network interfaces. If you want to listen to only a single network interface, specify the dotted decimal address of the network interface, so the platform server only listen to that network interface for incoming requests.

Note: This parameter is used only for incoming requests, and is ignored for outgoing requests.
TEXTEOFTERM Defines whether the platform server for z/OS adds a LF or CRLF delimiter to the last record of a text transfer to a UNIX or Windows server.
The valid values are:
  • NO: does not append LF or CRLF to the last record. This is the default value.
  • YES: appends LF or CRLF to the last record.
Note: This parameter can be overridden by the batch TEXTEOFTERM parameter.
TLSCIPHERS Defines the TLS ciphers that are supported by MFT. The ciphers must be defined as 4 alphanumeric digits. The ciphers are documented in Appendix C of the IBM manualz/OS Cryptographic Services System Secure Sockets Layer Programming. If not defined, MFT uses the default SSL ciphers.

If FIPS140 is specified, only FIPS approved ciphers are used.

Ciphers that meet the following criteria are specified in the sample GLOBAL member:
  • FIPS approved
  • AES256
  • SHA or higher message digest

Multiple TLSCIPHERS parameters can be defined. One TLS Cipher can be defined for each TLSCIPHERS parameter. The text after the 4 alphanumeric digits is used for documentation only and is ignored.

TLSENABLEDPROTOCOLS Defines the TLS protocols that are supported when running in SSL Mode. Multiple TLS parameters can be entered separated by a comma.
Valid values are:
  • TLSV1: TLSV1 is supported
  • TLSV1_1: TLSV1_1 is supported
  • TLSV1_2: TLSV1_2 is supported
  • ALL
Note: SSLV2 and SSLV3 are not supported.


If this parameter is not entered, the default is ALL.

TLSTUNNELIPPORT Defines the IPPORT that MFT Platform Server listens on for IPV4 TLS tunnel requests. Only TLS tunnel requests are received on this port. If a non-SSL or an SSL request is received on this port, an error is displayed and the request fails. Because a transfer has not been initiated, no audit record is written. This field must be unique on the z/OS system. There is no default for this parameter. If this parameter is not defined, then IPV4 TLS tunnel processing is disabled.
TLSTUNNELIPPORT_IPV6 Defines the IPPORT that MFT Platform Server listens on for IPV6 TLS tunnel requests. Only TLS tunnel requests are received on this port. If a non-SSL or an SSL request is received on this port, an error is displayed and the request fails. Because a transfer has not been initiated, no audit record is written. This field must be unique on the z/OS system. There is no default for this parameter. If this parameter is not defined, then IPV6 TLS tunnel processing is disabled.
TRANSFER_INTERFACE_PROTOCOL Defines the protocols that are accepted to initiate transfers.

You can initiate transfers in three ways: cross memory, SNA communication and TCP communication. Cross memory requests are always accepted. Only TCP and SNA protocols can be restricted.

The valid values are:
  • ALL: TCP, SNA and cross memory requests are all accepted. This is the default value.
  • NONE: only cross memory requests are accepted.
  • TCP: TCP and cross memory requests are accepted.
  • SNA: SNA and cross memory requests are accepted.
This parameter describes how transfers can be scheduled, but does not regulate how transfers are actually executed. Only the following programs that initiate transfers are referred to:
  • Batch: OSIUB000 and OSIUC000
  • ISPF: REXX and ISPF panels
TRAP_COMMUNITY Defines the community name for the SNMP trap.
Note: This parameter is case sensitive. Most SNMP communities are defined in lower case letters.
TRAP_IPADDR Defines the IP address of the SNMP trap receiver.

If the parameter is not defined, SNMP traps are not sent. If this parameter is defined, SNMP traps are sent to the address defined by this parameter.

TRAP_IPPORT Defines the IP port to which the traps are sent.

On most SNMP computers, the default port number is 162.

TRAP_TRANSFER_REQUESTS Defines whether SNMP traps are sent for file transfers.
The valid values are:
  • YES: trap requests are sent for all transfer requests that are completed either successfully or unsuccessfully.
  • NO: trap requests are not sent. This is the default value.
  • ERRORS: trap requests are sent when a request is unsuccessful and no more retries can be made.
UNEXPIRED_DISK_FILE_DELETE Defines whether MFT allows Receive Transfers defined with a disposition of DNEW to delete a file that has not expired: Valid values are:
  • YES: Allow MFT to delete unexpired files when DISP=DNEW
  • NO: Do not allow MFT to delete unexpired files when DISP=DNEW. NO is the default value.
UNEXPIRED_DISK_FILE_UPDATE Defines whether MFT allows Receive Transfers to update a file that has not expired:
  • YES: Allows MFT to update unexpired files.
  • NO: Does not allow MFT to update unexpired files. NO is the default value.
Note: If this parameter is set to YES, message IEC507D is displayed and an operator response is awaited. Until the operator responds, subsequent dynamic allocations will hang. We suggest not setting this parameter to YES unless you have defined an automatic response to the IEC507D message.
UNIT Defines the unit name used when allocating new data sets created by the platform server responder, if the file availability is Immediate.

This is the unit type for incoming disk data sets. You can adjust this to your installation requirements.

VOLUME Defines the default volume serial used for new data sets created by the platform server responder.

Do not leave this as the default value. You can adjust it to meet your installation requirements. If this parameter is omitted, the volume is assigned from the pool of devices for the unit type defined by the UNIT parameter.

Defines whether to use ZEDC data compression. Valid values are:
  • Yes: This is the default value. When the ZEDC (zEnterprise Data Compression) hardware is installed and enabled and when the correct RACF definitions are made, MFT will perform ZEDC ZLIB compression using the hardware compression accelerator card. When this option is set, all ZLIB compression will be ZLIB2. When the ZEDC compression is not available, MFT will fallback to software compression.
  • No: Do not use the ZEDC ZLIB compression. Use software compression.
Note: To use ZLIB hardware compression, you must grant READ access to Facility Class FPZ.ACCELERATOR.COMPRESSION to all transfer users that can perform hardware compression. Refer to the following manual for more details:z/OS MVS Programming: Callable Services for High-Level Languages