Copying Platform Server REXX execs to an HFS Directory

This procedure is optional, and it is only required if you want to execute the Platform Server REXX execs within an OMVS environment.


  1. Create an HFS directory that is accessible by all users by using the following OMVS command.

    mkdir /fusexecs

  2. Copy the execs to the HFS directory by using the following TSO commands.

    OPUTX 'FUSION.EXECS' '/fusexecs/' LC TEXT MODE(711)

    OPUTX 'FUSION.EXECS' '/fusexecs/' TEXT MODE(711)

    MODE(711) gives the user all rights to the files and gives the group and all other users execution rights to the files. You can change this parameter as is required by your installation.
    LC sets the OMVS file names in lowercase. UC sets the OMVS file names in uppercase.