The following example shows the JCL required to run the platform server XCOM interface:
//jobname JOB ,'C-Fusion’,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=5M,CLASS=A //S1SCH EXEC PGM=XCOMJOB, // PARM='TYPE=SCHEDULE,ACBNAME=FUSN,GROUP=NYACCT' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FUSION.LOADLIB //XCOMLOG DD SYSOUT=* //XCOMINQ DD DSN=yourdsn,DISP=SHR //SYSIN01 DD * TYPE=SEND CODE=TEXT RECSEP=YES LFILE=LOCAL.TEST.DATA FILE=REMOTE.TEST.DATA USERID=ABC123 PASSWORD=XYZ //Though you are using the platform server XCOM interface, you can still use some platform server features. For example, instead of the USERID and PASSWORD parameters defined in this example, you can use the platform server user profile feature. The USERID and PASSWORD parameters are replaced by the following parameter:
That way, the clear text password does not have to be displayed in the JCL.
The following example shows the output that is displayed after executing the previous job:
TYPE=SEND CODE=TEXT RECSEP=YES LFILE=LOCAL.TEST.DATA FILE=REMOTE.TEST.DATA USERID=ABC123 PASSWORD=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PGTX4512I Activity I414000000 Queued to MFT Platform Server started task PGTX4510I Successful Requests=1 Failed Requests=0 Timeout Requests=0 PGTX4511I FUSXJOB ending with Return code 0If TYPE=EXECUTE is requested instead of TYPE=SCHEDULE, the following messages are displayed in the XCOMLOG data set:
TYPE=SEND CODE=TEXT RECSEP=YES LFILE=LOCAL.TEST.DATA FILE=REMOTE.TEST.DATA USERID=ABC123 PASSWORD=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PGTX4512I Activity I414000002 Queued to MFT Platform Server started task PGTX4521E Activity=I414000002 Status=ACTIVE Record Count=0 Byte Count=0 PGTX4521E Activity=I414000002 Status=COMPLETE Record Count=3200 Byte Count=259200 PGTX4510I Successful Requests=1 Failed Requests=0 Timeout Requests=0 PGTX4511I FUSXJOB ending with Return code 0
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