JCL Statements

You can use JCL statements to perform batch jobs and queue file transfers.

Required JCL Statements

The following sample JCL includes the required JCL statements:
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                         

The following table lists the required JCL statements:

Statement Description
EXEC PGM=OSIUB000,PARM='data' Defines the program that must be executed to run the batch interface.

The PARM parameter defines the name of the platform server started task. You can also use the PARM parameter to override any SYSIN parameters. For more information, see Appendix G. Overriding JCL SYSIN Parameters.

Note: The EXEC PGM program name must be defined as OSIUB000.
STEPLIB Defines the library that contains the platform server load modules.
Note: You must include this statement in the JCL to identify the platform server load library.
SYSPRINT Defines the output report file that records the parameters that are used for the file transfer.

If the file is successfully queued, you can read the output report file and find out the transaction number assigned to the job.

SYSIN Defines the input file that records which file to transfer and to where to send the parameters that govern file transfer activities.

Optional JCL Statements

The following table lists the optional JCL statements:

Statement Description
FUSCFG Defines the configuration file that defines the server name, IP address, IP name, or LUName of the started task.
Note: This parameter is only required when the PARM CONFIG parameter is defined.

For more information on FUSCFG configuration, see "Defining and Configuring the FUSCFG File" in the TIBCO® Managed File Transfer Platform Server for z/OS Installation and Operation Guide.