This parameter defines the DCB information for a file being created. For a SEND transfer, the DCB information is associated with the remote system. For a RECEIVE transfer, the DCB information is associated with the local system.

The DCB parameter includes the following two formats:

  • DCB={RECFM=xx,LRECL=nnn,BLKSIZE=nnn,DSORG=zz}: defines the RECFM, LRECL, BLKSIZE, and DSORG parameters in a single parameter. You can also set these parameters in the individual RECFM, LRECL, BLKSIZE, and DSORG parameters.
    Note: The BLKSIZE parameter is not required. If you do not specify it, the z/OS system selects an optimum block size for the file being created.
  • DCB={ModelDSN}: defines a z/OS data set that operates as a Model for the DCB attributes for the file being created.
    Note: The ModelDSN you specified must exist; otherwise, the transfer fails. This parameter can also be set by using the DCB_LIKE parameter.