Configuration Member List - Member Name CONFIG

The configuration library is specified in the CONFIG DD statement in the JCL that brings up the platform server started task.

Three types of members are included in the configuration library. See the following table for the member descriptions.
Member Name Description
CONFIG member This member sorts through a list of members to activate when the platform server is initialized.
The CONFIG member of the platform server definition library is a list of other members in the library to activate.
Note: This member is used only when the GLOBAL AUTOENABLE parameter is set to NO, which is the default value.
Node member This member defines addressing information about the remote system.
List of remote systems member This member defines a list of remote systems.
Members within the CONFIG DD statement can be enabled through the following two ways:
  • Through the CONFIG member of the CONFIG DD statement. This method is used when the GLOBAL AUTOENABLE parameter is set to NO, which is the default value.

    For more information, see Enabling Members When GLOBAL AUTOENABLE=NO.

  • By reading the members within the CONFIG DD statement and enabling each member that specifies AUTOENABLE=YES. This method is used when the GLOBAL AUTOENABLE parameter is set to YES. This method must be used when the Command Center features are used to define and enable node definitions.

    For more information, see Enabling Members When GLOBAL AUTOENABLE=YES.