Using Platform Server Address Space

You can schedule the execution of REXX execs within the platform server address space.

You can use one of the following two ways to run REXX execs in the platform server address space:
  • Use the FUSQREXX exec to queue a REXX exec.
  • Use the Batch interface to queue a REXX exec.
When running REXX execs within the platform server address space, conform to the following rules:
  • CFG=* or CONFIG=* must be defined to configure the platform server for processing all requests in the local platform server.
  • The REXX requests are single-threaded. This means that you must not execute any command that might cause the REXX exec to be put into a wait state for more than a few seconds. You cannot use any of the following requests:

    • WAIT
    • MWAIT
  • Because REXX execs are not running in the TSO environment, certain REXX commands such as ALLOC and FREE do not work. For more information on the commands that do not work in an z/OS environment, see z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference manual.

Typically, the types of execs that can be run within the platform server address space are requests to queue a transfer, queue a local job submission, or inquire on the status of a transfer. Other REXX commands such as IF, DO, and EXECIO are also supported. If you want to access a file, the file must be allocated within a JCL statement of the platform server started task. For example, the SYSEXEC DD statement that points to the EXECS library must be added to a JCL statement of the platform server started task.