Installing and Configuring the XCOM Interface

The platform server XCOM interface is installed when the platform server is installed.

You must perform a single step to assemble the XCOMDFLT options table. This is the same XCOMDFLT table that is assembled when XCOM is installed at an installation.

To create the platform server XCOMDFLT table, complete the following steps:


  1. Copy the XCOMDFLT member into the platform server SAMPLIB.
    If you want, you can use the platform server default XCOMDFLT table that already exists in the FUSION SAMPLIB.
    Note: Because most XCOM parameters are ignored by the platform server, it might be easier to update the supplied XCOMDFLT member.
  2. Make any changes to the XCOMDFLT table to configure it for the platform server.
    The parameters that require changes are as follows:
    • JOBACB: points to the name of the VTAM ACBs defined to the platform server.
    • ACBNAME: points to ACBNAME of the platform server started task.

    Add the following platform server parameter to #DFLTAB:

    • If this parameter is specified as YES, the ACBNAME parameter overrides the STCAPPL parameter normally defined in the PARM JCL statement. The STCAPPL statement is ignored when FUSION.STCOVER=YES is defined. This is done so that a user can submit the same JCL, except that the STEPLIB will point to the platform server library, and the platform server request is routed to the platform server started task, not to the XCOM started task.
    • If this parameter is specified as NO, the STCAPPL statement on the PARM JCL statement overrides the ACBNAME parameter defined to the XCOMDFLT table.
  3. Assemble the XCOMDFLT table.
    You can use any assembly JCL. The following changes must be made to the JCL to assemble the platform server XCOMDFLT module:
    • Ensure that the SYSIN DD statement points to the XCOMDFLT in the platform server SAMPLIB.
    • Ensure the SYSLIB DD statement of the Assembler step points to the platform server SAMPLIB data set.
    • Ensure that the XCOMDFLT module is linked into the platform server LOADLIB data set with the name XCOMDFLT.

    At this point, the platform server XCOM interface is ready to use. The platform server XCOM interface program is called FUSXJOB. This program has an alias of XCOMJOB.

    To run the platform server XCOM interface, you must change the STEPLIB of the program to use the platform server loadlib. That way, when the XCOMJOB program is executed, the platform server program is executed instead of the XCOM program.

    As stated before, the platform server XCOM interface accepts XCOM parameters and creates a platform server transfer request. Therefore, after the transfer parameters are read, only platform server protocols are used, which means the following things:
    • The remote system must have a version of platform server installed. The platform server does not communicate with the XCOM started task.
    • The messages displayed are platform server messages, not XCOM messages.