Data Set Name Initiation (DNI)

TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS provides the DNI interface from which you can initiate data transfer requests by simply creating a data set. You do not have to issue any calls to platform server programs or APIs, and you do not have to run any batch jobs or submit any JCL. To use the DNI interface, you only have to configure the DNI interface when installing the platform server. The configuration can also be easily updated at anytime.

The following example shows how the platform server DNI works:

The platform server administrator sets up the following configuration in a file referenced by the DNICFG DD statement in the platform server startup JCL:


The platform server scans the z/OS catalog for a data set called TESTDNI.FILE1. When this data set is found, the platform server waits until it is no longer allocated to a job. The platform server then initiates a SEND transfer to the NYNODE node. When the transfer is completed, the platform server checks the status of the transfer request. If the transfer is successful, the platform server renames the data set to TESTDNI.GOOD.FILE1. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the platform server renames the data set to TESTDNI.FAIL.FILE1.

This is a simplified example, because the platform server has a powerful set of substitutable parameters and wildcards that can be used to reduce the amount of configuration parameters that must be created.