Communication Methods
TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS clients communicate with the platform server started task in three ways.
Cross Memory Services
This method can be used when the platform server clients are running on the same CPU as the platform server started task.
- Required Parameter
SERVER: defines the name of the platform server started task.
- Optional Parameter
No optional parameter is required.Note: The script interface supports the JCL EXEC PARMDD parameter. The PARMDD parameter allows you to define a DD statement that is used to hold PARM data to be passed to the script program. The EXEC PARMDD parameter is mutually exclusive with the PARM parameter. While MVS supports up to 32767 characters in the PARMDD parameter, platform server for z/OS supports a maximum of 4096 characters.
This method can be used when the platform server clients are not running on the same CPU as the platform server started task.
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