POST_ACTION={"S | F:L | R:CALLJCL | CALLPGM | SUBMIT | COMMAND:data_to_be_processed"}

Default None
Allowable Values Parameter 1 S: Success, F: Failure
Allowable Values Parameter 2 L: Local, R: Remote
Allowable Values Parameter 3 CALLJCL: CALL with JCL Linkage

CALLPGM: CALL with Program linkage

SUBMIT: Submit JCL to internal reader

COMMAND: Execute Command

Allowable Values Parameter 4 Data to be processed
Alternate Specification PPA

This parameter defines the post processing actions that can be performed for a file transfer. Up to 4 post processing actions can be defined for an individual file transfer. Actions can be performed based on the success or failure of a file transfer as well as be performed locally or remotely. Any combination of up to four S | F, L | R, and command types are allowed. The table below indicates the type of actions that can be performed, and the data necessary for each action:

Action Support Data
CALLJCL z/OS Program name (1 - 8 bytes) followed by data
CALLPGM z/OS Program name (1 - 8 bytes) followed by data
COMMAND Windows, UNIX Command name followed by data
Note: The difference between CALLJCL and CALLPGM is the way that the parameters are passed to the called program. CALLJCL uses JCL linkage in which the parameter length is the first two bytes of the data passed. CALLPGM uses standard IBM linkage conventions for calling programs.

Parameters can be delimited by commas or colons. If any spaces are imbedded in the data, enclose the entire parameter in double quotation marks.

Note: For the SUBMIT action, if only a member name is defined, the GLOBAL JOB_SUBMIT_DSN parameter must be defined.

The POST_ACTION data field is limited to 256 characters. To alleviate that restriction and to make it easier to define the parameter data, the platform server supports substitutable parameters within the POST_ACTION data. You can use the substitutable parameters to define fields such as the local file name. In this way, you do not have to define the file name twice, and it takes fewer characters to use a substitutable parameter than an actual file name. For more information of substitutable parameters, see Appendix L. Post Processing (PPA) Substitutable Parameters.