
with this batch SYSIN parameter, you call a user program defined on the remote system.

Note: TRANS_TYPE must be COMMAND if this parameter is specified; any other value will result in error and the transaction will not be queued.

This parameter is supported only when communicating with TIBCO MFT Platform Server z/OS. If you supply parameters with the program to be called, the entire string must be enclosed in double quotation marks. The program to be called must be specified in the STEPLIB statement of the remote TIBCO MFT Platform Server for z/OS started task. The linkage conventions used for this parameter are the same as the linkage conventions for programs called by another program. R1 points to an address which points to the parameter data entered on the command. Nulls are placed at the end of the data to show where the entered data ends.

For example, CALLPROG="TESTPROG parameters".