System Operations

z/OS console operators must be familiar with the platform server operator console commands.

Starting the Platform Server

The primary commands used on the operator's console are start, stop and modify. These commands can be entered in all upper cases or in abbreviated form:
  • STOP=P

Console operators must use a space between these commands and the procedure name. After that, a comma is used to separate each component of the command.

For example: F MFTSTC,STOP

To start the platform server from the z/OS console, you can use the following z/OS start command:

S procedure_name

This works when the procedure name is a member of SYS1.PROCLIB that contains the platform server startup JCL.

For example, if the startup JCL MFTSTC is in SYS1.PROCLIB:


Stopping the Platform Server

You can use several ways to halt file transfer operations and stop a platform server. Each of those commands has a slightly different impact on the file transfers currently in progress.

From the following list of ways to shut down the platform server, console operators must choose the method that best suits the situation at hand.
  • To perform a shutdown, you can type one of the following commands:


    These commands cause the platform server to reject any new associations or connections and terminate all existing ones. All VTAM and TCP connections are terminated immediately.

  • To perform a force stop to interrupt all current file transfers, you can type the following commands:
    Note: You have to type this command twice to complete the command.
  • To perform a quiesce shutdown, you can force a graceful shutdown of the platform server started task. The syntax of the modify command is:


When using the QUIESCE modify command, any jobs queued after issuing this command are placed on the work queue but are not released until the started task is brought back up. Any incoming responder requests are rejected and the platform server waits until all active transmissions are completed. During this waiting period, the started task continues to accept modify commands. After the active transfers are completed, the platform server continues with the normal shutdown. If an active transfer is taking too long, you can issue a modify STOP command.

Displaying Encryption Available for the Platform Server

To display the hardware encryption that the platform server can use on this processor, you can use the following ENCRYPT command. Both AES128 or AES256 are supported, though AES 256 is suggested.