SYSIN Coding Parameters

You can define file transfers by specifying parameters in the SYSIN DD statement.

Note: You can also specify the parameters in the PARM field on the JCL EXEC statement. Parameters specified in the PARM field override those specified by using the SYSIN DD statement.

The following table lists the parameters that you can specify in a SYSIN DD statement.

Parameter Alternate Specification Description
ALLOC_DIR Defines the number of directory blocks for a new file.
ALLOC_PRI Defines the primary allocation quantity for a new file.
ALLOC_SEC Defines the secondary allocation quantity for a new file.
ALLOC_TYPE Defines the type of allocation for a new file.
AVAIL Defines whether TAPE is supported.
BLOCKSIZE BLKSIZE Defines the DCB block size for a new file.
CALLJCL Requests the platform server to call a user program defined on the remote system with JCL linkage. This parameter should only be used when the remote system is z/OS.

Requests the platform server to call a user program defined on the remote system using standard linkage conventions. This parameter should only be used when the remote system is z/OS.

CHKPT CKPT / CHECKPOINT Defines the checkpoint interval.
COMPRESS Defines the compression options.
CONTINUE Defines whether transfers continue when a transfer fails.
COSNAME Defines the Class of Service (COS) entry name.
CRCCHECK CRC Defines whether CRC checking will be turned on for this transfer.
CRLF Defines the CRLF/LF options.
DATACLASS DC / DCLASS Defines the SMS data class.
DATASET_TYPE Defines the type of the new data set to create.
DATE Defines the date to start the transfer.
DCB_LIKE Defines the DCB model DSN.
DESCRIPTION DESC Defines the transfer description.
DIRTEST Shows files for a directory transfer.
DSN LF / LFILE / LDSN LOCAL_FILE Defines the name of the local data set.
DSORG Defines the data set organization.
EFFECT Defines the file creation options.
EMAIL_FAIL Defines the email address to which to send an email notification for unsuccessful requests.
EMAIL_GOOD Defines the email address to which to send an email notification for successful requests.
ENCRYPT Defines the data encryption options.
EVERY Defines the repeat cycle of a request.
EVERY_COUNT Defines the number of times that an EVERY request can be scheduled to execute.
EVERY_EXDAYS Defines the EVERY expiration date.
EVERY_EXTIME Defines the EVERY expiration time.
EVERY_MISSED Defines the EVERY control.
EXEC REXXEXEC / COMMAND Defines a command or exec for execution on the remote system.
EXPDT Defines the transfer expiration date.
EXPTM Defines the transfer expiration time.
FILE_EXPDT Defines the file expiration date.
FILE_RETPD Defines the file retention period.
HOLD Defines the Hold option.
IPADDR Defines the IP address of the remote system.
IPNAME Defines the IP name of the remote system.
IPPORT Defines the IP port of the remote system.
IUNIT Defines the input tape unit.
IVOLUME Defines the input data set volume.
LENGTH LRECL Defines the DCB logical record length for the new file.
LIST Defines the name of the distribution list.
LOCALLABEL LLABEL Defines the label used on the initiating Platform Server when sending or receiving a tape file.
LOCALCTFILE LCT Defines the name of the local Translation table.
LOGON_DOMAIN DOMAIN Defines the Windows domain where the remote user resides.
LPASS Defines the local password.
LUSER Defines the local user ID.
MAINTAINBDW MBDW Defines whether to maintain RECFM=VB BWD when sending or receiving files.
MAINTAINRDW MRDW Defines whether to maintain RECFM=VB RWD when sending or receiving files.
MEMBER Defines the member names.
MGTCLASS MC / MCLASS Defines the SMS management class
MQ_FAIL Defines the platform server to notify MQ on failure.
MQ_GOOD Defines the platform server to notify MQ on success.
MQ_NOTIFY Defines when the platform server sends MQ notifications.
MQ_WAIT_MESC Defines the number of minutes that MQ waits for data.
NODE Defines the node name of the remote system.
NODECLASS Defines the node class.
NOTIFY Defines the name of the user to notify when the file transfer is completed.
NOTIFY_TYPE Defines the type of user ID to notify.
OVOLUME Defines the output data set volume.
PASSONLY Defines the platform server to encrypt only the password.
PERMIT_ACTNS Defines the Windows-permitted actions.
POST_ACTION PPA Defines the postprocessing action.
PRIORITY Defines the transfer schedule priority.
PROCNAME Defines the process name.
PURGE Defines the timeout request option.
RDSIP Defines the remote file disposition.
RECFM Defines the DCB record format for the new file.
REMOTECTFILE RCT Defines the name of the remote Translation table.
REMOTELABEL RLABEL Defines the label used on the responder Platform Server when sending or receiving a tape file.
REMOTE_FILE RF / RFILE / RDSN Defines the name of the file on the remote system.
REMOTE_PASS RPASS Defines the password for the remote user on the remote system.
REMOTE_UNIT UNIT Defines the unit for file creation.
REMOTE_USER RUSER Defines the name of the user on the remote system.
REMOVETRAIL RMTRAIL Defines whether to remove trailing blanks and nulls.
RESOLVE_GDG Defines the GDG resolution indicator.
RETENTIONPRD Defines the retention period for the transfer request.
RETRY TRY Defines the number of times that a request will be tried.
RETRYINT Defines the retry interval.
RMTRAIL Defines whether to remove the trailing spaces.
RSACCELERATOR RSA Defines whether transfers go to an RSA host.
RSCOMPRESS RSC Defines whether RSA uses compression.
RSENCRYPT RSE Defines whether RSA uses encryption.
RSHOST RSH Defines the RSAccelerator host name or IP address.
RSMAXSPEED RSMAX Defines the maximum speed that RSA uses.
RSPORT Defines the RSAccelerator port number.
RSPROTOCOL RSP Defines the protocol that RSA uses.
SCRIPT Defines the name of the script file in the started task.
SPACE Defines the space for a new file.
SPACERELEASE Defines the release unused space flag.
SSL Defines the SSL options. SSL is now an alias of the TLS parameter. See the TLS parameter.
SPACE Defines the space for a new file.
SPACERELEASE Defines the release unused space flag.
STORCLASS SC / SCLASS Defines the SMS storage class.
SUBDIR Defines whether to use subdirectories.
SUBMIT Defines the platform server to submit JCL to the remote system.
TAPE Notifies the platform server that this is an uncatalogued tape transfer.
TEMPLATE Defines the Windows template.
TEXTEOFTERM Defines the CRLF/LF end of file options.
TIME Defines the time at which to start a transfer.
TLS Defines whether TLS is used for the request. (SSL is now an alias of the TLS parameter.)
TRANS_TYPE Defines the transfer type.
TRANSFER Defines the file transfer direction.
TRCLASSNAME TRCLASS Defines the transfer class.
TRUNCATE Defines the Truncation options when receiving a file from Windows, UNIX, IBMi or MFT Internet Server when record delimiters are defined.
TYPE Defines the TEXT or BINARY file.
UTF8BOM Defines whether the UTF-8 BOM (0xefbbbf) is added at the start of the converted data or is removed from the start of the data before conversion.
VOLUME VOL / VOLSER Defines the volume for file creation.
VSAM_KEYLEN Defines the VSAM KSDS key length.
VSAM_KEYPOS Defines the VSAM KSDS relative key position.
VSAM­_LIKE Defines the VSAM model DSN.
VSAM_LRECL Defines the VSAM record length.
VSAM_RRSLOT Defines the VSAM RRDS slot number option.
VSAM_REUSE Defines the VSAM REUSE option.
VSAM_TYPE Defines the VSAM file organization.
WAIT Defines the transfer WAIT options.
XMEMBER Defines the excluded member names.