SYSIN Coding Parameters
You can define file transfers by specifying parameters in the SYSIN DD statement.
The following table lists the parameters that you can specify in a SYSIN DD statement.
Parameter | Alternate Specification | Description |
ALLOC_DIR | Defines the number of directory blocks for a new file. | |
ALLOC_PRI | Defines the primary allocation quantity for a new file. | |
ALLOC_SEC | Defines the secondary allocation quantity for a new file. | |
ALLOC_TYPE | Defines the type of allocation for a new file. | |
AVAIL | Defines whether TAPE is supported. | |
BLOCKSIZE | BLKSIZE | Defines the DCB block size for a new file. |
CALLJCL | Requests the platform server to call a user program defined on the remote system with JCL linkage. This parameter should only be used when the remote system is z/OS. | |
Requests the platform server to call a user program defined on the remote system using standard linkage conventions. This parameter should only be used when the remote system is z/OS. |
CHKPT | CKPT / CHECKPOINT | Defines the checkpoint interval. |
COMPRESS | Defines the compression options. | |
CONTINUE | Defines whether transfers continue when a transfer fails. | |
COSNAME | Defines the Class of Service (COS) entry name. | |
CRCCHECK | CRC | Defines whether CRC checking will be turned on for this transfer. |
CRLF | Defines the CRLF/LF options. | |
DATACLASS | DC / DCLASS | Defines the SMS data class. |
DATASET_TYPE | Defines the type of the new data set to create. | |
DATE | Defines the date to start the transfer. | |
DCB | Defines RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE. | |
DCB_LIKE | Defines the DCB model DSN. | |
DESCRIPTION | DESC | Defines the transfer description. |
DIRTEST | Shows files for a directory transfer. | |
DSN | LF / LFILE / LDSN LOCAL_FILE | Defines the name of the local data set. |
DSORG | Defines the data set organization. | |
EFFECT | Defines the file creation options. | |
EMAIL_FAIL | Defines the email address to which to send an email notification for unsuccessful requests. | |
EMAIL_GOOD | Defines the email address to which to send an email notification for successful requests. | |
ENCRYPT | Defines the data encryption options. | |
EVERY | Defines the repeat cycle of a request. | |
EVERY_COUNT | Defines the number of times that an EVERY request can be scheduled to execute. | |
EVERY_EXDAYS | Defines the EVERY expiration date. | |
EVERY_EXTIME | Defines the EVERY expiration time. | |
EVERY_MISSED | Defines the EVERY control. | |
EXEC | REXXEXEC / COMMAND | Defines a command or exec for execution on the remote system. |
EXPDT | Defines the transfer expiration date. | |
EXPTM | Defines the transfer expiration time. | |
FILE_EXPDT | Defines the file expiration date. | |
FILE_RETPD | Defines the file retention period. | |
HOLD | Defines the Hold option. | |
IPADDR | Defines the IP address of the remote system. | |
IPNAME | Defines the IP name of the remote system. | |
IPPORT | Defines the IP port of the remote system. | |
IUNIT | Defines the input tape unit. | |
IVOLUME | Defines the input data set volume. | |
LENGTH | LRECL | Defines the DCB logical record length for the new file. |
LIST | Defines the name of the distribution list. | |
LOCALLABEL | LLABEL | Defines the label used on the initiating Platform Server when sending or receiving a tape file. |
LOCALCTFILE | LCT | Defines the name of the local Translation table. |
LOGON_DOMAIN | DOMAIN | Defines the Windows domain where the remote user resides. |
LPASS | Defines the local password. | |
LUSER | Defines the local user ID. | |
MAINTAINBDW | MBDW | Defines whether to maintain RECFM=VB BWD when sending or receiving files. |
MAINTAINRDW | MRDW | Defines whether to maintain RECFM=VB RWD when sending or receiving files. |
MEMBER | Defines the member names. | |
MGTCLASS | MC / MCLASS | Defines the SMS management class |
MQ_FAIL | Defines the platform server to notify MQ on failure. | |
MQ_GOOD | Defines the platform server to notify MQ on success. | |
MQ_NOTIFY | Defines when the platform server sends MQ notifications. | |
MQ_WAIT_MESC | Defines the number of minutes that MQ waits for data. | |
NODE | Defines the node name of the remote system. | |
NODECLASS | Defines the node class. | |
NOTIFY | Defines the name of the user to notify when the file transfer is completed. | |
NOTIFY_TYPE | Defines the type of user ID to notify. | |
OVOLUME | Defines the output data set volume. | |
PASSONLY | Defines the platform server to encrypt only the password. | |
PERMIT_ACTNS | Defines the Windows-permitted actions. | |
POST_ACTION | PPA | Defines the postprocessing action. |
PRIORITY | Defines the transfer schedule priority. | |
PROCNAME | Defines the process name. | |
PURGE | Defines the timeout request option. | |
RDSIP | Defines the remote file disposition. | |
RECFM | Defines the DCB record format for the new file. | |
REMOTECTFILE | RCT | Defines the name of the remote Translation table. |
REMOTELABEL | RLABEL | Defines the label used on the responder Platform Server when sending or receiving a tape file. |
REMOTE_FILE | RF / RFILE / RDSN | Defines the name of the file on the remote system. |
REMOTE_PASS | RPASS | Defines the password for the remote user on the remote system. |
REMOTE_UNIT | UNIT | Defines the unit for file creation. |
REMOTE_USER | RUSER | Defines the name of the user on the remote system. |
REMOVETRAIL | RMTRAIL | Defines whether to remove trailing blanks and nulls. |
RESOLVE_GDG | Defines the GDG resolution indicator. | |
RETENTIONPRD | Defines the retention period for the transfer request. | |
RETRY | TRY | Defines the number of times that a request will be tried. |
RETRYINT | Defines the retry interval. | |
RMTRAIL | Defines whether to remove the trailing spaces. | |
RSACCELERATOR | RSA | Defines whether transfers go to an RSA host. |
RSCOMPRESS | RSC | Defines whether RSA uses compression. |
RSENCRYPT | RSE | Defines whether RSA uses encryption. |
RSHOST | RSH | Defines the RSAccelerator host name or IP address. |
RSMAXSPEED | RSMAX | Defines the maximum speed that RSA uses. |
RSPORT | Defines the RSAccelerator port number. | |
RSPROTOCOL | RSP | Defines the protocol that RSA uses. |
SCRIPT | Defines the name of the script file in the started task. | |
SPACE | Defines the space for a new file. | |
SPACERELEASE | Defines the release unused space flag. | |
SSL | Defines the SSL options. SSL is now an alias of the TLS parameter. See the TLS parameter. | |
SPACE | Defines the space for a new file. | |
SPACERELEASE | Defines the release unused space flag. | |
STORCLASS | SC / SCLASS | Defines the SMS storage class. |
SUBDIR | Defines whether to use subdirectories. | |
SUBMIT | Defines the platform server to submit JCL to the remote system. | |
TAPE | Notifies the platform server that this is an uncatalogued tape transfer. | |
TEMPLATE | Defines the Windows template. | |
TEXTEOFTERM | Defines the CRLF/LF end of file options. | |
TIME | Defines the time at which to start a transfer. | |
TLS | Defines whether TLS is used for the request. (SSL is now an alias of the TLS parameter.) | |
TRANS_TYPE | Defines the transfer type. | |
TRANSFER | Defines the file transfer direction. | |
TRCLASSNAME | TRCLASS | Defines the transfer class. |
TRUNCATE | Defines the Truncation options when receiving a file from Windows, UNIX, IBMi or MFT Internet Server when record delimiters are defined. | |
TYPE | Defines the TEXT or BINARY file. | |
UTF8BOM | Defines whether the UTF-8 BOM (0xefbbbf) is added at the start of the converted data or is removed from the start of the data before conversion. | |
VOLUME | VOL / VOLSER | Defines the volume for file creation. |
VSAM_KEYLEN | Defines the VSAM KSDS key length. | |
VSAM_KEYPOS | Defines the VSAM KSDS relative key position. | |
VSAM_LIKE | Defines the VSAM model DSN. | |
VSAM_LRECL | Defines the VSAM record length. | |
VSAM_RRSLOT | Defines the VSAM RRDS slot number option. | |
VSAM_REUSE | Defines the VSAM REUSE option. | |
VSAM_TYPE | Defines the VSAM file organization. | |
WAIT | Defines the transfer WAIT options. | |
XMEMBER | Defines the excluded member names. |
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