You can use the FUSSEL exec to perform detailed inquiry on a platform server request.

Required Parameter

The following table lists the required parameter of the FUSDEL exec:

Parameter Description
TRANSN | TRN Defines the fully qualified transaction number (10 bytes) associated with the request.

Optional Parameters

The following table lists the optional parameters of the FUSSEL exec:

Parameter Description
CONFIG | CFG Defines the configuration file used by the platform server exec.

If this parameter is not defined, the platform server REXX uses the default configuration.

QUEUE Defines the platform server to write all of the request fields back onto the REXX external data queue. User execs can then read the external data queue and report on it by using user defined REXX code.
Note: This option is normally set only when the FUSSEL exec is called from a user REXX exec.
REPORT Defines the platform server to create a report to display the request fields.

You can specify REPORT to display the most important fields about a transfer, or specify REPORT=LONG to display all of the fields associated with a transfer request.

Return Codes

The return codes of the FUSSEL exec are as follows:

  • A zero return code indicates that the platform server has found the request and displayed fields from the request.
  • Non-zero return codes indicate one of the following situations:
    • The platform server cannot find the request to be selected on the active queue or the history file.
    • The user is not authorized to select the platform server request identified by the TRANSNUM parameter.
    • The request was in a state that cannot be selected, such as LOGGING.
    • A communication error occurred when performing the task.


Member POSTPROC of the platform server EXECS library shows the following example of how the FUSSEL exec can be called with the QUEUE parameter from within a user REXX exec. This exec also shows how the user exec can process data in the REXX external data queue.


The output of the example is as follows:

retncode===> 0 PGTF3101I Activity IA21500006 successfully transferred 25603
 records with remote node


The output of the example is as follows:

transnum............ =  IA21500006 
remote.system.name.. = 
dsn................. =  ACCT.TESTFILE
status.............. =  COMPLETE 
Remote.file.name.... =  ACCT.TEST.FILE3 
local.user.......... =  ACCTUSER 
remote.userid........=  WINUSER1
transfer type....... =  SEND 
status.............. =  COMPLETE 
time.completed...... =  09:42:21 
date.completed...... =  2008.294 
process............. =  REXXPROC 
last.message........ =  PGTF3101I Activity IA21500006 successfully transferred 25603
                        records with node
record.count........ =  000000025603 
byte.count.......... =  000002073701 
retncode===> 0 PGTF3101I Activity IA21500006 successfully transferred 25603 records
             with remote node


The output of the example is as follows:

transnum............ =  IA21500006      
remote.system.name.. =
dsn................. =  ACCT.TESTFILE  
Remote.file.name.... =  ACCT.TEST.FILE3
local.user.......... =  ACCTUSER           
remote.userid........=  WINUSER1
recfm............... =  VB              
transfer type....... =  SEND            
maxrecl..............=  04100           
effect.............. =  CREATE/REPLACE  
status.............. =  COMPLETE        
avail................=  IMMEDIATE       
time.eligible....... =    :  :          
date.eligible....... =      .           
time.started........ =  09:41:59 
date.started........ =  2008.294        
time.completed...... =  09:42:21        
date.completed...... =  2008.294        
priority............ =                  
userdata............ =                  
chkintvl............ =  000000          
chkpt.count......... =  000000          
process............. =  REXXPROC        
expdt............... =  2008324         
retry.limit......... =  00001           
tries............... =  00001
last.message........ =  PGTF3101I Activity IA21500006 successfully transferred 25603
                                  records with remote node
xfer.type........... =  FILE        
record.count........ =  000000025603
byte.count.......... =  000002073701
compressed.byte.count=  000000000000
logon.domain........ =              
translation......... =  BINARY      
crlf................ =  NONE        
compress.type....... =  NONE        
notify.type......... =              
notify.user......... =              
file.avail.......... =  IMMEDIATE   
compress.ratio...... =              
application.type.... =  ALL         
status.............. =  COMPLETE    
ip.port............. =  46464
retncode===> 0 PGTF3101I Activity IA21500006 successfully transferred 25603 records
                         with remote node