JCL Requirements

STEPLIB must include the load library that contains the platform server load modules:

Statement Description
VTAMTRAC An optional DD statement.

You must define this statement when using SNA to communicate with the platform server started task and API_SERVER_TRACE_FLAG is set to API_SERVER_TRACE_YES.

Output from this DD is typically sent to SYSOUT.

TCPTRAC An optional DD statement.

You must define this statement when using TCP (IPADDR or IP Name) to communicate with the platform server started task and API_SERVER_TRACE_FLAG is set to API_SERVER_TRACE_YES.

Output from this DD is typically sent to SYSOUT.

SYSPRINT DD statement.

The name used for this DD statement can be any valid DD name. However, the API calling program must have an OPEN DCB for this DD name with the following characteristics:




AUDPATH1/2 Two DD statements.

These two DD Statements are required under the following circumstances:

  • The server type is PCCALL.
  • The server function is Transfer Status.