Using Properties View to associate a participant with an activity

You can associate a participant with an activity.


  1. In the Process Editor, highlight the desired activity.
  2. Either:
    • In the Properties view, click the picker.
    • Right-click the activity, and select Participant.

      The Select Participants dialog is displayed.

  3. Highlight participants you want to select and click Add to move them to the Selection column. When you have finished selecting Participants, click OK.
    • You can select multiple participants by pressing either the Ctrl (for single selection) or Shift (to select a range) keys while making your selection.
    • The wildcard ? returns all matching participants. Use the * wildcard to restrict the results (for example, *2 to return all Participants ending in 2. Note that the wildcard * by itself does not return any results; it only works in conjunction with a string.
    • You an also select as a participant a data field of the type Performer.
  4. The participants you selected are displayed in the Properties view and also when you hover the pointer over the activity in the Process Editor.