Generalized Linear Model (GLM) Introductory Overview - Types of Analyses

A wide variety of types of designs can be analyzed using the general linear model. In fact, the flexibility of the general linear model allows it to handle so many different types of designs that it is difficult to develop simple typologies of the ways in which these designs might differ. Some general ways in which designs might differ can be suggested, but keep in mind that any particular design can be a "hybrid" in the sense that it could have combinations of features of a number of different types of designs.

In the following discussion, references will be made to the design matrix X, as well as sigma-restricted and overparameterized model coding. For an explanation of this terminology, refer to the section entitled Basic Ideas: The General Linear Model, or, for a brief summary, to the Summary of computations section.

A basic discussion to univariate and multivariate ANOVA techniques can also be found in Introductory Overview section of the ANOVA/MANOVA module; a discussion of multiple regression methods is also provided in the Multiple Regression Overviews.

Between-subject designs

Within-Subject (Repeated Measures) Designs

Multivariate designs