
The sc_processinstance_status table stores measures about process instances.

Column Description
process_instance_id Unique identifier of this process instance.
instance_id Numeric decoded value of above
parent_proc_ins_id Unique id of parent process instance, if applicable
root_proc_ins_id Unique id of root process instance ID, if applicable, may be same as previous column
priority Priority of this process instance.
user_id Resource of the user that started or interacted with the process.
status Status of this process instance.
status_changed Timestamp of the last status change of this process instance.
cur_activity The task that is currently executing within the process.
cur_activity_start The start time of the current task.
start_time Start time of this process instance.
end_time Completion time of this process instance.
exec_millis Total time taken (in milliseconds) by this process instance between its start_time and end_time.
proc_tpl_id Unique identifier of the process template. It includes the process template name, module name, and module version. This is stored in the sc_proc_template table .
type Identifier of array in ec_array table that holds the case references.
attribute1 The fixed point number (0 decimals) value of custom work attribute 1 for this process instance.
attribute2 - attribute4 The text values of custom work attributes 2 to 4, respectively, for this process instance.
attribute5 The floating point number value of custom work attribute 5 for this process instance.
attribute6 - attribute7 The date time and timezone values of custom work attributes 6 and 7, respectively, for this process instance.
attribute8 - attribute 14 The fixed point number (0 decimals) value of custom work attributes 8 to 14, respectively, for this process instance.
attribute15 The integer value of custom work attribute 15 for this process instance.
attribute16 - attribute18 The floating point number values of custom work attribute16 - attribute18, respectively, for this process instance.
attribute19 - attribute20 The date time and timezone values of custom work attributes19 - attribute20, respectively, for this process instance.
attribute21 - attribute40 The text value of custom work attribute21- attribute40, respectively, for this process instance.