Reallocate Work Item to Offer Set

The Reallocate to Offer Set function is used to reallocate a work item to the original offer set, that is, the group of users to which the work item was originally offered.

The work item you want to reallocate must be in your work list with a state of Allocated or Pended. After reallocating, the work item is removed from your work list.


  1. Select a work item in your work list.
  2. Select > Reallocate to > Offer Set.
  3. Select the user you want to allocate the work item to.
  4. Optionally select Revert data.

    If you select this option it causes any data that had been entered/modified in the work item prior to allocating it to revert to its original value. (If any data in the work item had been entered/modified, the work item will have a state of Pended.)

  5. Click Reallocate.


The work items appear in the work list of the user that you selected, with a state of Allocated.