Customizing your Application

You can customize an application by changing its logo, title, fonts, and font and header color.


  1. Enter the following URL in your browser:


    • protocol is the communications protocol being used, either http or https. This was specified at installation.
    • host is the DNS name or IP address of the server hosting the TIBCO BPM Enterprise runtime.
    • port is the port being used. The default value is 80.
  2. Log in with a valid TIBCO BPM Enterprise username and password.
  3. From the toolbar, select the paint easel icon -- .
    Note: The paint easel icon is available only if you have the System Administration system action.
  4. Customize the application logo, title, font, and font and header color, as desired.

    You can Reset Theme if you want to return to the original theme.

  5. Click Save.