Opening Work Items

You can open work items in the following ways:

  • From the work item list, double-click the work item you want to open. (Single-clicking shows the work item in a preview pane.)
  • Click the Open link in the Actions column.
  • When you have finished working on a work item, select > Open Next. This causes the next available work item to be opened in the work item list, where available means a work item that is not locked or suspended.
    Note: You cannot open multiple work items.

Opening a work item causes Opened to be shown as the State. The work item is allocated to the user who opened it and is removed from the work item lists of other users to whom the work item had been offered.

Note: An error is thrown when user tries to open a user-defined form. User-defined forms cannot be displayed. If you want to use user-defined forms, you must provide your own form identifier and render your own forms.