
The sc_workitem_status table holds information about work items and their usage.

Column Description
work_item_id Unique identifier of this work item.
process_instance_id Identifier of the parent process instance from which this work item was generated.
activity_name Name of the activity from which the work item was derived.
activity_ins_id Instance identifier of the activity from which the work item was derived. This value is unique even if the activity is executed multiple times - for example, as part of a loop.
org_entities JSON array of org entities that are GUIDs, names, and types.
user_id Resource associated with this work item.
comp_user_id Resource completing this work item.
schedule_start Scheduled start date/time (in UTC) for this work item.
schedule_end Scheduled end date/time (in UTC) for this work item.
first_offer_time First time that this work item was offered or allocated.
first_open_time First time that this work item was opened.
last_open_time Last time that this work item was opened.
completion_time Completion time of this work item.
active_dur Total duration (in milliseconds) that this work item was active - that is, the time between its first_offer_time and its completion_time, disregarding any intermediate states.
wait_dur Total duration (in milliseconds) that this work item was waiting - that is, the time between its first_offer_time and its first_open_time.
action_dur Total duration (in milliseconds) that this work item was being actioned - that is, the time between its first_open_time and its completion_time.
work_time_dur Total working time duration (in milliseconds) for this work item, that is, the cumulative time between its first and last form submission activities.
status Status of this work item.
status_changed Time that the status of this work item was last changed.
priority Priority of the work item.
work_group_id The ID of the work resource pattern this work item belongs to, if there is one.
attribute1 The fixed point number (0 decimals) value of custom work attribute 1 for this work item.
attribute2 - attribute4 The text values of custom work attributes 2 to 4, respectively, for this work item.
attribute5 The floating point number value of custom work attribute 5 for this work item.
attribute6 - attribute7 The date time and timezone values of custom work attributes 6 and 7, respectively, for this work item.
attribute8 - attribute 14 The text value of custom work attributes 8 to 14, respectively, for this work item.
attribute15 The fixed point number (0 decimals) value of custom work attribute 15 for the event.
attribute16 - attribute18 The floating point number values of custom work attribute16 - attribute18, respectively, for the event.
attribute19 - attribute20 The date time and timezone values of custom work attributes19 - attribute20, respectively, for the event.
attribute21 - attribute40 The text value of custom work attribute21- attribute40, respectively, for the event.
generic_attr_id Identifier of future generic attributes. If there are no generic attributes, the value is NULL.