Filtering Process Templates

Filtering a list of process templates involves entering filter criteria so that only some of the process templates are shown in Process Manager, rather than all of them.

This allows you to display only the process templates you are interested in. For example, you may only be interested in process templates with a version number later than 2.0.

The Filter Templates by: dialog allows you to build a “filter expression” that is applied to all process templates. If the process template satisfies the filter expression (for example, the process template has a version number of 2.5 and the instance was started after 12th July), it is shown in the process template list.


  1. Select Templates.
  2. Select .
    You can filter on the following:
    Name Description Data Type
    Package Name The name of the process template. This is specified in TIBCO Business Studio at design-time. Text
    Process Name The description of the process template. This is specified in TIBCO Business Studio at design-time. Text
    Version Identifies the version of the process template. Numeric
  3. For each column, use the value field to enter the value for the items you want returned. The way in which you enter a value depends on the data type for the column you have selected.
  4. Select OK.
  5. To cancel or reset the filter, select to display the Filter Templates by: dialog again.