Install TIBCO BPM Enterprise for Kubernetes

Use the TIBCO Universal Installer to install the product and create a Docker image of the TIBCO BPM Enterprise application.


Docker must be installed and running.


  1. Navigate to the temporary directory containing the previously downloaded and extracted TIBCO BPM Enterprise archive file.
  2. Run the TIBCOUniversalInstaller executable.
  3. Click Next on the Welcome screen.
  4. Read through the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.
  5. Select Create a New TIBCO_HOME to create a new installation environment. In the Directory field, specify or browse for the directory into which you want to install TIBCO BPM Enterprise, then click Next.
    • The directory cannot be the same as the directory of an existing installation environment.
    • The directory should be empty.
    • The directory path cannot contain the following special characters:

      # $ % & * < > ? ` |

  6. On the Installation Profile screen, select on KubernetesTIBCO BPM Enterprise, then click Next.
  7. Accept the default directory for the TIBCO Configuration Directory (referred to as CONFIG_HOME), or type a directory name, or click Browse to select a directory, then click Next.
    Make sure that the selected directory is not the configuration directory for another TIBCO installation environment.
  8. On the Pre-Install summary screen, verify the details, then click Next.
    The installer now:
    • processes and copies the required TIBCO BPM Enterprise files to TIBCO_HOME,
    • configures the TIBCO BPM Enterprise software, copying the required files to CONFIG_HOME, and
    • builds the Docker image of the TIBCO BPM Enterprise application, which you can then add to Kubernetes.
  9. When the installation is complete, click Finish.