Reallocating Work Items to the World

The Reallocate to World function is used to reallocate a work item to any available user.

Note: To use reallocate to world, you must be logged in as a user with a privilege that has both the Reallocate WorkItem To World and Resource Admin system actions assigned to it.


  1. Select a work item in the work item list that currently has a state of Allocated or Pended.
  2. Select > Reallocate to > World. The Workitem Reallocate dialog is displayed, which is used to choose the user to whom you would like to allocate the work item.
    Note: You may not be able to see all resources mapped to a particular position because there may be resources mapped to a position that were created in an LDAP container for which you don’t have visibility, (because of an organization relationship). In these cases, you will not see that resource when viewing the position. (This applies only to positions, not to groups.)

    For more information, see the "Container Organization Relationships" section in the TIBCO® BPM Enterprise Administration Guide

  3. From the Version drop-down list, select the version of the organization model that contains the resource you want to allocate the work item to.
  4. From Organizations, drill down to an organizational entity in the left to which the resource has been mapped.
  5. Either click to the right of the resource name in the Resources list, or select the resource in the Resources list then click on the bottom of the Selected list.
  6. Optionally select Revert data.

    If you select this option it causes any data that had been entered/modified in the work item prior to allocating it to revert to its original value. (If any data in the work item had been entered/modified, the work item will have a state of Pended.)

    If you decide that you no longer want the work item to be allocated to this user, you can remove them from the Selected list by selecting .

  7. Select Reallocate.


The work item will appear in the work item list of the resource that you selected, with a state of Allocated.