Creating a Work View for an Organizational Entity

You can create different work views of your own work list. However, if you want to create a work view of a work list belonging to a resource in an organization model, you must have the View Work List system action for the work list you require.

Similarly, if you want to grant another user access to a work view of a work list belonging to an entity in an organization model, that user must have the View Work List system action for the work list you want them to have access to. See Work View Permissions for more information about granting permissions to work views.

You can create work views for:

  • an individual resource
  • an organization unit, group, or position.

Note that:

  • When creating a work view of a organizational entity, you can specify that the work view show work items that are either allocated or offered to the organizational entity.
  • When viewing a work view for an organizational entity, you will only be able to see work items that are allocated or offered directly to that entity. You cannot see the work items for other entities in that organizational entity. For example, if you have created a work view for Group1 and Group1A is also a member of Group1, you must create a separate work view for Group1A. (You must also have the View Work List system action for Group1A).
  • If a work view is for an organizational entity, that is it's not your own work list, you cannot open or complete work items in that view. This is because TIBCO BPM Enterprise always requires a user to process work items in their own work view. If you access a work item from your work view, and then allocated it to another user, it would move from your work list to the other user’s work list.

System actions are modeled in the organization model that is built in TIBCO Business Studio. See TIBCO Business Studio™ - BPM Edition Application Designer's Guide.