Managing the TIBCO BPM Enterprise System
A TIBCO BPM Enterprise system can be managed at two levels: the container orchestration system level and the TIBCO BPM Enterprise level.
Managing TIBCO BPM Enterprise Using a container orchestration system Administration Features
The container orchestration system (Kubernetes) provides management and monitoring capabilities, such as:
- Adding and removing pods from Kubernetes nodes. Replica Sets of pods across nodes can be created to scale TIBCO BPM Enterprise.
- Deploying Docker containers, containing TIBCO BPM Enterprise, to pods. As TIBCO BPM Enterprise only has a single container type, each pod will contain only a single container and the associated resources (database shared resources, IP address, and so on) required by TIBCO BPM Enterprise.
- Start up and shut down of Docker containers containing TIBCO BPM Enterprise.
- Basic health monitoring. This is accomplished using Kubernetes cAdvisor, which monitors container metrics, as well as application metrics.
- Configuration injection. TIBCO BPM Enterprise configuration is injected into the container on startup. Injected configuration remains injected and is not written to the database. Refer to the Injected Configuration section in Administration Guide for more information.
Managing TIBCO BPM Enterprise Using the Administrator
TIBCO BPM Enterprise provides an Administrator that is used to specify configuration settings needed by the TIBCO BPM Enterprise components. This capability is provided in the form of Administrator User Interface that uses the Administrator REST API. Administrator User Interface is accessible from the Administrator application that is included with TIBCO BPM Enterprise.
The following are examples of the type of configuration that can be set using the Administrator:
- Deployment Manager to upload and deploy business processes.
- Shared resources Manager to set up shared resources for authentication, security, and HTTP clients
- Process Manager to start, stop, continue, and complete selected business processes.
- Configuration Management to set up properties for your BPM application.
- Properties used by each of the TIBCO BPM Enterprise components, such as Business Resource Management, Directory Engine, Event Collector, Logging properties, and so on,
- SSO configuration
Configuration that is required to start the container is injected into the container upon startup. This includes configuration such as connection details for LDAP and the database. Injected configuration is achieved by setting environment variables in the container. For details about specifying configuration, see TIBCO BPM Enterprise Administration.