
The StartBizApp is available as part of TIBCO BPM Enterprise. It enables you to start business services by providing the appropriate URL. It can render TIBCO Forms and also supports the complete functionality of static and dynamic sub-processes. It hides all the complexity of the multitude of calls to the server.

StartBizApp is accessed via a URL (for clarity, the URL is shown with each parameter on a separate line):

?module=module name
&process=process name
&version=version number
&username=BPM username
&auth0=plain text BPM password
&auth1=Base64 encoded BPM password

The URL parameters are explained in the following table:

Parameter Name Description
protocol (required) The communications protocol that is used by StartBizApp: either http or https. This was determined at installation.
host (required) The DNS name or IP address of the server that hosts the BPM runtime.
port (required) The port that is used by StartBizApp. The default is 8080.
module (required) The module defines the module name of the business service that needs to be started. The module can be found in the tooltip of Business services list in business service view of Work Manager application The value must be URI-encoded.
process (required) The name of the business service process.
version (required) The version number of the business service, in the format of major.minor.micro .[qualifier]. If you do not specify a qualifier, then the latest deployed version of the application is used. You can also pass the major version of the business service. So, if the version of the business service is 1.0.0, you can pass the major version 1 to pick the latest with the in-range of that major version.
payload The JSON payload that is passed to the business service.
username The BPM runtime login name.
auth0 The BPM runtime login password, as plain text.
auth1 The BPM runtime login password, as a Base64-encoded string. You need a Base64 encoder to encode the password.
Important: If a parameter contains spaces, it must be URL-encoded.


Example URL for starting a business service:

Example URL that includes payload as a business service:


The StartBizApp application will generate load, cancel, close and submit events using window.postMessage. The properties of event message are explained in the following table:

Event Event message Event description

eventName: FORM_LOAD

data: workitem data

formUrl: URL for the form

This event is triggered when work item form is loaded.

eventName: FORM_CANCEL

data: workitem data

This event is triggered when form is cancelled by clicking on the cancel button on the form.

eventName: FORM_SUBMIT

completed: true|false. The value is set to true if the work item is completed.

data: workitem data

This event is triggered when form is submitted by clicking on the submit button on the form.