Create a New Project

A project is the basic container that stores all the artifacts for the business process. The project you create here contains a basic organizational model.


  1. Start TIBCO Business Studio.
    The first time that TIBCO Business Studio opens, a window opens that prompts for a folder location to store projects. Choose a workspace folder location, and click OK.
  2. Click File > New > BPM Process Project.
    BPM Modeling is the default perspective.

    The New BPM Process Project window opens.

  3. Enter WelcomeUsers in the Project name field, then click Finish.

    The process opens in the Process Editor pane, the Properties pane for WelcomeUsers-Process opens, and the new project opens in the Project Explorer pane.

    The project contains a number of folders, each of which contains different types of artifacts.

    Note that:

    • The project contains a single process package, called WelcomeUsers.xpdl.
    • The process package contains a single process, called WelcomeUsers-Process.