Search Filter Service Operations

The Search Filter Service operations enable you to manage search filters in your TIBCO LogLogic appliance.


With Search Filter Service operations, you can create, read, update, and delete search filters as well as view all search filters in your appliance. Download the WSDL file from https://<lmi Ip address>/logapp20/services/SearchFilterService?wsdl

Using Search filters you can define search patterns to view specific data and to define alerts. In the TIBCO LogLogic appliance you can view the user interface implementation by navigating to Search > All Search Filters.

Implementation Guidelines

These are general implementation guidelines for the Search Filter Service operations:

  • A set of common request parameters are required for each operation. You must specify a value for all Required parameters.
  • You must specify the value of the common request parameters only.
  • All parameters must be implemented in the order in which they appear in the Request Parameters section for each of the operations.
  • All values for common request parameters must be enclosed by double quotation marks (“value”). If the name of a device or a parameter value includes a forward slash (/), such as HP/UX, or IBM i5/OS, you must replace the forward slash with %2F. (The F is case-sensitive.)

    Examples: HP%2FUX or IBM i5%2FOS

To search on the expression %2F itself, replace the % with %25. The resulting expression to use is %252F.

Status Codes

The Status Codes are:

2000 Server success
4000 Unauthorized request
5000 Invalid parameter, getStatusMessage() contains detail information about the error

Description of Search Filter Service Operations

Using Search Filter Service operations you can create, read, update, and delete search filters in your appliance. In the TIBCO LogLogic appliance user interface, you can view all actions accessible through the Search Filter Service operations by navigating to the Search Filter screen from the navigation tree.

There are two kinds of operations:
  • local - operation is performed on the local appliance itself
  • remote - operations (names ending with Remote) performed on a specified remote appliance through the Management Station
The Search Filter Service operation contains the following operations: