General Activities
General Activities palette comprises various general purpose activities and process starters. For example, Timer, a process starter activity, is used to start a process at a specific time.
- Assign
Assign is a synchronous activity. You can use this activity to assign a value to a process-defined variable. The Assign activity is used to assign a value to the process-defined as well as scope-defined variables. Ensure to set all the essential values when using the Assign activity to set a process variable. - Call Process
The Call Process activity calls and executes an existing direct subprocess. Input data specified on the called subprocess is used by the Call Process activity. - Checkpoint
Checkpoint is an asynchronous activity that executes a checkpoint in a running process instance. A checkpoint saves the current process data that can be recovered, if the event fails. If a process engine fails, all the process instances can be recovered and resume the execution of their last checkpoint in the process. Configuring the process engine to checkpoint data for the failed process helps optionally, to recover the process instance at a later stage. This happens if the process fails due to an exception that cannot be handled or terminated manually. - Confirm
Confirm is a synchronous activity that confirms any confirmable message received by the process instance. - External Command
External Command is a synchronous activity that executes the command on the operating system. This activity waits for the command to complete before transition to the next activity. Optionally, the command output and errors can be included in this activity's output schema, written to a file, or both. - Get Shared Variable
Get Shared Variable is a synchronous activity that retrieves the current value of a module shared variable or job shared variable. To use this activity to retrieve the value of a shared variable, use a Critical Section group to ensure that no other process instances alter the value of the shared variable at the same time. - Inspector
Inspector activity is used to write the output of any or all activities and module properties to a file or stdout. This is particularly useful when debugging processes and you want to see the entire schema instead of mapping specific elements to the Write File activity. - Log
Log is a synchronous activity that writes a message to the log file. For each AppNode and application, there is a log file. - Mapper
Mapper is a synchronous activity that adds a new process variable to the process. This variable can be an inline schema, primitive element, or a complex element. You can map the data values from the current list of process variables to the elements of the variable with the Mapper activity. - Notify
The Notify activity allows a process instance to send data to a corresponding process instance containing a Wait for Notification activity or the Receive Notification process starter. The Notify Configuration resource and the key specified on the General tab, create the relationship between the Notify activity and the corresponding Wait for Notification activity or Receive Notification activity. - Set Shared Variable
Set Shared Variable is a synchronous activity that you can use to change the value of a shared variable. - Sleep
Sleep is an asynchronous activity that suspends the process on the current transition for the specified time. For a process with multiple control flows, only the current execution branch of the process is suspended. - Timer
Timer is a process starter activity that starts the process at a specific time. You can also specify the processes to be started periodically. - Wait for Notification
The Wait for Notification activity suspends execution of the process instance and waits for a Notify activity with a matching key to be executed in another process instance. The key specified in the General tab and the Notify Configuration resource, creates a relationship between the Wait for Notification activity and the corresponding Notify activity. - On Notification Timeout
The On Notification Timeout process starter specifies a process to execute, when a timeout is reached for storing notification data for a Notify activity. - Receive Notification
This is a process starter activity. The Receive Notification activity starts a process when another process executes a Notify activity with a matching key and a shared configuration resource.
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